4 Quirky Video Marketing Strategies To Try

Are your video marketing efforts keeping your company a step ahead of your competitors? If your videos feel a little stale, it might be time to shake things up by taking your quirk to the next level. Gather inspiration from the following examples of companies that stepped outside the box with their video marketing.

Take It to the Limit

You want to be true to your company’s personality, but if your brand’s reputation allows for it, you might consider adding a little shock factor into your videos. GotStyle, a menswear store in Toronto, attracted tons of views with an add that featured a nude man — with the important parts blurred out — shopping for clothes online.

It doesn’t always have to be something risqué that you use for shock factor. You could use hot issues in the news or other subjects that some companies might hesitate to approach.

If you aren’t sure if something like that would work for your audience, you can try it on a limited basis. Track the success of your video and use metrics to help you make adjustments for future campaigns.

Use the Element of Surprise

4 Quirky Video Marketing Strategies To Try

Not every successful video is the result of endless hours of rehearsal. Alphabet Photography organized a flash mob at a mall during the holidays. A choir sang a popular musical piece, surprising shoppers and giving Alphabet Photography some golden material for a successful marketing video. It wasn’t so much the singing as it was the shoppers’ reactions that makes the video entertaining. Even though this happened back in 2010, the element of surprise remains an invaluable asset for video marketers.

Maybe a flash mob in a shopping mall isn’t your style. You can still brainstorm other ways to put surprise on your side.

Show That It Works

Some videos bury the main point in odd humor, expensive effects, and other frills. While those extra touches certainly have their time and place, sometimes it is better to simply and attractively showcase exactly how effective your product is. UltraTech showcased its Ever Dry product by using close-up shots that highlight how well Ever Dry repels water.

In today’s world of crazy strategies, keeping it simple can surprise customers. This approach works best if your product or service has a visually stunning aspect that is easy to capture via videography.

Enlist Your Customers’ Help

Let your customers do some of the work for your video marketing. Jet.com, a relatively new e-commerce website, decided to turn customers’ shopping carts into marketing videos. When one customer bought some bike gear, Jet enlisted a barbershop quarter to sing about his purchase. Similarly, a yodeler congratulated another customer after he purchased deodorant and beef jerky.

Think of ways you can make your customers feel involved in your videos, and try to do it in fresh, offbeat ways.

There are countless videos on the Internet, and you’re in a constant battle to make yours stand out. Sometimes all you need is a little quirk to boost your views and earn the attention that your business deserves.

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