Bottled Water Environmental Impact Is 3500 Times Higher Than Tap Water

Research led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) has found that bottled water’senvironmental impact is 3,500 times higher than tap water’s. In a study conducted to determine bottled water’s impact in Barcelona, it was established that it is more costly both financially and ecologically when people use bottled water instead of tap water. The study found that if […]

Concrete Microbiome Acts As A Warning System

Concrete may not seem like a particularly hospitable environment for life, but bacteria do actually live inside it. A new study led by the University of Delaware has examined this concrete microbiome to find out how they get there, how they change over time, and how we might use them in future to monitor or even repair defects. Bacteria can […]

Papermelon Makes Jewelry From Upcycled Paper

Devi Chand is the founder and passionate artist behind Papermelon, a jewelry company with sustainability and beauty as its primary missions. Papermelon jewelry is constructed from upcycled paper, which is collected from friends, neighbors and well-wishers. The paper types vary wildly but include newspapers, magazines, storybooks, paper bags, gift wraps, calendars and pamphlets. Chand decided on paper as a result of […]

Gradient Offers Lower Energy Footprint

As the Earth continues to warm, passive designs for natural ventilation and heating are no longer enough in many areas. To escape extreme temperatures in either direction, effective air conditioning and warming are becoming an increasingly essential element of home design. Yet, it comes at a cost to the environment in the form of high energy usage. A company called Gradient has […]

Utility Knife Turns Into Scraper

The tried and true form factor of a utility knife is one many will be familiar with, but toolmaker ToughBuilt has just introduced one with a very handy trick up its sleeve. The handtool carries a switchblade-like design but rather than concealing the sharp edge, a push of a button sees it flip 90 degrees to instantaneously turn into a […]

Europe’s Largest “Pipe House”

Cantilevering dramatically out of a small hill in Russia, the recently completed Russian Quintessential is conceived as both a stunning piece of modern art and a weekend getaway. Its reflective facade and tubular shape certainly make an impression, and contains a compact but comfortable-looking dwelling inside. Russian Quintessential was designed by Sergey Kuznetsov, who also holds the prestigious title of […]

Modular Living Lodge Tents

Japanese outdoor gear company Snow Peak has introduced a flexible new shelter that could mean backcountry fun for the whole family, or perhaps just high comfort for an intimate group of campers. The newly launched Living Lodge features a modular design, which enables it to be set up as either a spacious tent complete with patio, or an even more […]

Light Therapy Could Improve On Wound Healing

A compelling new study is offering an insight into the mechanism by which a novel form of light therapy can speed the healing of burn injuries. The research indicates the experimental therapy can activate a key protein that stimulates cell growth. Low-level laser therapy, also known as photobiomodulation therapy, has been floated as a treatment for an assortment of maladies […]

Next-Gen Battery For Long Range Evs

With the type of energy density that could see smartphones run for five days or electric planes fly twice as far, lithium-sulfur batteries hold tremendous potential, but inherent instabilities are a key roadblock to their widespread adoption. Scientists in Japan have put forward a promising solution to this problem, integrating a novel sponge material that enables a prototype lithium-sulfur battery […]