Pacman Cap

Here’s another geeky design after we have introduce the 8-bit Icon Watch recently. Well, after spotting so many geeky designs, you can be sure to jump on this cool, geeky bandwagon to hit the market!
The Uber-Review: New Era has some rather pricey game inspired caps on the market. The caps, which feature boldly colored Pacman and Space Invaders motifs might not give you street cred, but they ooze geek cred. All but the most hardcore geeks will probably avoid these, but if any of you out there are looking for a game hat that you can wear in the privacy of your own home, this is it.
The price, unfortunately is $55 per hat, which is what most people would pay for semi-stylish head wear and as much as a new game.
Geeky Headgear from New Era [The Uber-Review]

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