Plant Inspecting Buggy

Alphabet’s X moonshot factory is a research group working to solve big-picture ideas through technological innovation, and for its latest venture the team is turning its attention to sustainable farming. Called Mineral, the project aims to leverage cutting edge software and hardware to allow growers to raise more diverse crops, with a specially-designed plant-inspecting buggy set to do the heavy […]

Ear-Pinging Tech

Tinnitus is an aggravating disorder, causing sufferers to constantly hear a ringing in their ears. A new system could help, though, by simultaneously zapping their tongue and delivering sounds to their ears. Known as Lenire, the setup is made by Dublin, Ireland-based Neuromod Devices. It consists of a handheld control unit, a set of Bluetooth headphones, and a “Tonguetip” device […]

Deviate Wireless Earphones

When the Phantom wireless speaker dropped in 2015, it looked like nothing on the market and sounded as good as it looked. Devialet’s Gemini true wireless ANC earphones follow a similar design language and promise a “truly unmatched on-the-go listening experience.” “At Devialet, we create extraordinary products that deliver an unprecedented sound experience,” said Devialet’s CEO, Franck Lebouchard. “We’ve pursued […]

World’s Fastest UV Camera Flying Photons

As tiny particles traveling at the speed of light, it’s going to take a serious machine to capture photons in action, and an international team of researchers have just pieced together one that is very much up for the job. Dubbed the world’s fastest UV camera, the device is capable of capturing ultra-fast events lasting just a picosecond, quick enough […]

“Green Diapers”

Disposable diapers are definitely not eco-friendly, not only because of their plastic outer shell, but also due to their petroleum-based absorbent inner layer. There could soon be a more sustainable alternative to the latter, though, and it’s made from wheat gluten. The main protein of wheat, wheat gluten is known for being highly absorbent. It’s a left-over co-product from the […]

A Modern Light Meter On A Vintage Camera

Fully-manual analog film cameras can be fun and interesting to use, but it sucks when they don’t have a built-in light meter. That’s where the Hedeco Lime One comes in, as it’s a digital light meter that can be added to such cameras. Designed by German mechatronics engineer Johannes Heberlein, the Lime One has an anodized aluminum body, an OLED […]

Underwater Farms

The commercial farming industry has proven to be completely unsustainable on a global scale. Not only does it require harmful pesticides to produce fertilizer and create emissions with livestock (who are often mistreated), it also wastes millions of gallons of water per year, leads to massive amounts of deforestation, and oftentimes, employees aren’t paid ethically. However, new technology is making […]

Gait-Analysing Wearable Sensors 

Presently, in order to get a detailed analysis of their walking gait, patients have to travel to a clinic where they walk on a pressure-sensitive mat. That could be about to change, though, thanks to a new wearable system. First of all, there are already wearable gait-analysis technologies that incorporate an inertial measurement unit (IMU), which combines an accelerometer and […]