Many of us frequently use Google Maps’ Street View feature, to see what things look like at a given location. Well, Australian scientists are developing a sort of audio equivalent, that will let users hear various eco-regions throughout the country. Known as the Australian Acoustic Observatory, the system is being set up via a collaboration between the Queensland University of […]
Vegan & Eco Friendly Boots
Thanks (but no thanks) to the climate crisis and rising global temperatures, winter weather is here a bit early this year — and that means snowy sidewalks are just around the corner. One of the most important pieces of winter gear is a good winter boot. But is it possible to find a vegan, eco-friendly, and closed-loop winter boot? As we’ve […]
Apple’s AR Headset
Rumors have long suggested that Apple was planning on launching an augmented reality headset in 2020, but according to a new report, that date may be a little optimistic. According to a report from The Information, Apple held a meeting in October in which the road map for the device was discussed — and it now looks like it may […]
Dry Cyclists To Help Cyclists Cope With Rain
Although commuting by bicycle certainly is good for one’s self and the environment, there are days when it’s just too wet or too cold. It’s on just such days, though, that the four-wheeled, fully-enclosed, motor-assisted DryCycle is intended to really shine. Designed by British cyclist and entrepreneur Andy Murphy, the DryCycle is officially classified as an Electrically Assisted Pedal Cycle. […]
Jamming With Spotify Streamers
The Spark amp from Positive Grid is paired with a voice-activated mobile app that opens the door to real-time practice and learning tools, and allows players to jam along to tracks from streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music. And to make things easier, the app can display chords in real time. First and foremost, the Spark is a full-range […]
Tank or Tankless Water
Heating water in your home or apartment is something most of us overlook. But, if you’ve ever dealt with an ice-cold shower, you already know how important a quality water heater is to your comfort at home. With so many choices, it can be challenging to decide which type of water heater replacement is best for you. We’ve taken a […]
Protecting Dogs Hearing
Military personnel are regularly exposed to loud noises, such as when they’re being transported by helicopter. And while human soldiers usually wear hearing protection in such situations, the same can’t always be said for their “working” dogs. A new garment has been designed to address that problem. First of all, other canine hearing-protection wearables do already exist. However, these reportedly […]
Epidermal VR
Although virtual reality technology may allow users to see and hear computer-generated environments, the extent to which people can feel those worlds is still quite limited. That could be about to change, though, thanks to what’s being called an “epidermal VR” system. Developed by scientists at Illinois’ Northwestern University and the City University of Hong Kong, the experimental technology incorporates […]
Reusable Cup Sleeves
Plastic waste is a major problem. According to the Ocean Conservancy, a staggering 8 million metric pounds of the stuff gets into our oceans each year, and plastic has been found in 60% of seagulls and 100% of sea turtles. How we choose to handle plastic on land will help reduce this waste and pollution of our marine environment. At […]
Digital Technology Key To Shared Living
Blockchain, 3D printing and other digital technologies are key to making shared housing models take off, according to research by IKEA’s innovation lab Space10. In the report Imagine: Exploring the Brave New World of Shared Living, the Copenhagen-based studio states that digital platforms and devices are essential to making co-living widespread enough to impact the global housing crisis. “Digital platforms can […]