3 Traction Tips for Blog Content

If you put any question or thought that comes to your mind in a search engine, it’s highly likely that you’ll be presented with a plethora of blog posts. That’s the current landscape of the Web; it’s a noisy place, and making yourself heard isn’t easy. As bloggers, we need to not only divert audiences’ attention away from the viral content that’s already got them hooked but claw our way through the rubble of poorly-written pieces, as well. It’s safe to say that it’s more of a battle rather than struggle.

But the truth is that getting your blog content traction doesn’t have to be a mountain to climb. And in this article, we’ll tell you how not to let your best pieces go to waste. Use the following tips to maximize the reach of your content and drive more traffic to your site.

  1. Practice On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization refers to the technique of making your blog posts available via search engines if audiences look for matching keywords. It is also one of the factors that Google takes into account when determining the rank of an article. However, a lot of factors go into on-page optimization, such as sub-headings, meta description, and several other elements, which can be confusing for site owners.

Fortunately, HigherVisibility and other agencies specializing in search engine optimization can offer a helping hand to those who are clueless about on page optimization. They not only research the best performing keywords in their clients’ industries but strive to discover the keywords that drive sales. Also, such agencies are known to educate clients on header tags, meta description, and other on-page SEO factors so that they become capable of driving search engine visits on their own.

  1. Get The Word Out On Social

Before anything else, grab your preferred name on all the social platforms you intend to use. Depending on your industry, some platforms can turn out to be invaluable. However, don’t jump in with a megaphone and act like someone trying to catch a cab (don’t forget, social networks were made to connect with others genuinely). Instead, enjoy it like a big cocktail party by meeting people, trading ideas and subtly sharing your content with others.

And while you’re at it, make it easy for the incoming visitors to share your blog posts. That can be done by adding social buttons on your web pages so that people can share any webpage with a click of a button. That would help your blog gain additional exposure. Sharing buttons can be placed at the bottom of the blog post, at the top of the heading, or in the sidebar, as a floating widget. Feel free to test placements to see what works and what doesn’t.

  1. Add Freshness to Your Blog by Updating Outdated Posts

If you conduct online research about how to drive more traffic to a blog, you’ll come across several opinion pieces that stress how crucial it is to keep the existing content “fresh” to gain visitors at a stable rate. You can do that by frequently reviewing older blog pieces and enhancing them with the latest stats, examples, etc.

Not only the tactic sends the signal of freshness to search engines, it typically increases the depth of posts and helps provide more value to first-time visitors. Not to mention, it increases the length of the posts, making them “long-form” in nature – search engines love long-form content.

Driving traffic is a challenging task. It requires dedication, consistency, and if you’re just getting started, an obscene amount of high-quality content. Implement some of these tips and monitor your analytics. Hopefully, you’ll see an uptick real soon.


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