5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Business Blog’s Traffic



  1. Read Other Blogs

The world of blogging involves much more than writing your thoughts down from time to time. The reality is that if you’re not doing some kind of marketing, your blog isn’t going to be that successful. However, marketing can be as simple as reading other blogs and letting the bloggers know that you’ve become part of their community. To do so, read a hand full of blogs every day, making sure to look for the newest post. When you’re done reading the post, make sure to leave a comment. Usually, there will be an option to link back to your website; take advantage of this option!

How This Helps Build Traffic

While the link in your comment will do very little for you by way of click through traffic, the main point of this is to let the other blogger know that you’re following them. After seeing you from here to there, that blogger will recognize you and want to check out your blog. From there, the blogger may love your content enough to link to it occasionally in their posts. These contextual links will lead to high click through rates and better keyword positions in search engines.

  1. Use Quality Images

We all have heard the saying…A picture says a thousand words! Well, it’s true online too. Believe it or not, the images you use in your blog posts are incredibly important. The good news is that you don’t have to pay for high quality images. Believe it or not, there are free stock photos all over the place online. All you need to do is choose a provider and search for images that are relevant to your content.

How This Helps

Many people gauge the quality of online information by the quality of design and graphics experienced on the blog. Therefore, better images will lead to higher return visits and higher goal conversion rates.

  1.  Link To Your Resources

Everyone knows that no matter who you are, you don’t know everything there is to know about everything; no one does! So, it’s important to link to resources that you’ve found helpful when creating blog posts. When considering a website for a resource link, ask yourself a couple of questions…

  • Is this website a well-known brand?
  • Is this what most people would consider a quality website?
  • Is the information provided in the prospective linking page going to add value to my visitors?

If you answer yes to these questions, linking to the resource is most likely going to be a good idea.

How This Helps

Linking to resources in your blog posts will help in a couple of ways. First, it will provide a better experience for your readers. When the reader is looking for something in particular that you didn’t mention in your post, you want them clicking forward, not backward. So, instead of having the reader bounce back to search results, you can direct them to content that you found useful.

Another way this helps is by building trust around your brand. Search engine algorithms are incredibly smart. They can tell when a writer makes a conscious effort to improve the users’ experience by linking to quality resources. When they notice a trend of this, chances are that the website will start to see a boost in search engine traffic.

  1.  Leverage The Power Of Comparison

As human beings, we all like to compare. No matter what we’re talking about, we can find a comparison. When we’re shopping, we’ll compare product quality, prices, and more. The bottom line is that the power of comparison can do quite a bit to increase the number of return visits you notice on your blog. For example, if you own a marketing company, you could write a post like “Which is a more productive use of time, link building or social networking?” At the end of the post, you could say something like come back tomorrow to join us as we compare ABC to DEF.

How This Helps

As mentioned above, people love to compare. So, by giving them the ability to compare options right on your blog, you’ll increase time on site stats and conversions.

  1.  Use The BEST method

Best is a very important word in today’s society. No matter if we’re talking about advice, a product, a service, or anything else, everyone always wants the best! So, give people what they want. A good way to do this is to create lists. For instance, if you’re in the nail polish sales industry, you might write a post along the lines of “10 best summer time nail polish colors”.

How This Helps

While best is searched for often, the quality of search results that revolve around the phrase tends to be low. So, by providing great content that includes the word best in the title, you may be able to pick up hundreds or even thousands of new visits per month.

Final Thoughts

Worryingly, a large proportion of website’s have no inbound marketing strategy. This might sound like something a blog might not need to concentrate on but it can have a massive impact on generating visitors to your website. There’s plenty of material around the internet that will help you develop your own strategy. Smart Insights have taken it a step further and created a resource outlining each step needed to plan your own strategy.

These days, blogging is a great way to sell products or services to a targeted audience. By following the tips above, it’s possible to increase the traffic and conversion rate you experience with your blog! Thanks for reading!

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2 thoughts on “5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Business Blog’s Traffic

  1. Marcel, Awesome steps! I’m using most of them… I could do a better job leaving comments of other blogs (I’m starting now with your blog!!! 🙂 ) Leveraging the power of comparison is a new concept to me but it makes perfect sense, I have to incorporate this step asap, as it will intrigue more readers!

    I have 2 additional steps that has helped;
    1. Embed a video or even better a playlist! It’s no secrets videos are more engaging than text and for SEO the longer someone is on your site the better. I have my assistant create a video for every article I write.
    2. Embed relevant social media post; everyone loves social proof. If you click on my name it will take you to an example of this step.
    I hope this helped.

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