5 Ways to Encourage Early Learning at Home

Young children are extremely curious about everything, which means they want to learn about the world. From even before they start speaking, children try to interact with everything they can in some way. Their education doesn’t have to wait until they reach a certain age.

In fact, it’s important for parents to recognize that they can (and should) start promoting learning at home before their child is old enough to go to preschool. It can be difficult at times, but it’s an effective way to give your child a head start on their education.

Below are five ways to encourage early learning at home.

Read Every Day

Reading to your child every single day promotes not only learning and curiosity but also educates them. Whether you read fiction or nonfiction children’s books, they offer valuable information, stories, and lessons to your child’s rapidly developing brain.

Try to add reading to your daily routine with your child. This can be in the morning after they have breakfast or at night before they go to sleep. No matter when you read to them, just make sure it’s every single day.

Communicate with Your Child

Communicating with your child doesn’t always mean having a full-fledged conversation with them. It’s important to acknowledge when your child is trying to communicate with you and listen to any of their signals, verbal or non-verbal. Remember, they are curious about the world; everything is new to them, so they’ll have plenty of reactions and questions to ask about what’s going on around them.

When you work to communicate with your child, they will improve their speaking and communication skills, which will be extremely essential as they grow older.

Don’t Be Afraid of Technology

There is a misconception amongst some parents that technology is terrible for a child’s learning and development. While there does need to be some balance between using a tablet and playing outside and with physical objects, there is no need to be afraid of technology when it comes to encouraging early learning.

There are thousands of apps out there with helpful games that stimulate your child’s brain and encourage learning at a young age. Plus, it’s important that your child becomes comfortable using technology as it will only become more advanced as they grow up.

Never Stop Teaching

It’s important to never stop teaching and encouraging your child to learn. Every time your child has a question about something, such as why it is the way it is or how something works, answer as best you can. Having set hours to learn actually limits your child’s development as opportunities to learn can happen at any time and shouldn’t be discouraged.

Implement Professional Programs

It takes a lot of time and effort to constantly plan engaging and educational activities for your child. This is why many parents choose to implement professional teaching programs, like Frog Street Pre-K, for support and structured plans to aid in their child’s educational experience. You can choose from virtual learning programs to at-home programs with kits full of books and activities to get you and your child started.

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