Ads by Consumers Maybe the writers finally ran out of ideas for the MasterCard “Priceless” ads. That’s what it looked like earlier this year when they sat an actor down in a chair and had him type out empty spaces, inviting viewers to try filling in the blanks themselves.
Apparently, the ad copywriters were just up with the latest fashion.
This is the moment of in-your-hands consumer advertising — the kind generated by the masses rather than for the masses. From Emerald Nuts’ make-your-own contest to Mozilla FireFox’s posting of consumer-produced spots at, the creative directors seem to be handing over the work to us common folk.
There’s marketing powerhouse Procter & Gamble, responsible for such memorable ad icons as Folger’s Mrs. Olson and “99 and 44/100 % pure” Ivory soap, offering a $1,000 prize to food-service professionals who can come up with the best pitch for the Dawn Grease Fighting Arsenal used in cafeterias and restaurant kitchens.
All these efforts to encourage consumer-generated marketing may look like a cheap trick to get free ideas, but advertising executives say there’s more to it. What’s actually happening is the industry is trying to plug into a very connected online audience that has little patience for traditional ads.
On Marketing: New approach to ads lets you do the work []

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