Aged Wines in Few Seconds

a.jpegMainichi: Aging is the name of the game when it comes to fine wine. Top producers mature their brews in oak barrels; connoisseurs will keep a bottle in the cellar for years so they can savor the complex bouquet at its peak.
For Hiroshi Tanaka, all that waiting is just a waste of time — and he says he’s got the machinery to prove it.
“We can now electrolyze young wine and ship bottles of fine wine out in no time at all,” declared Tanaka, president of Japanese startup Innovative Design and Technology Inc., which runs a small laboratory in Hamamatsu, west of Tokyo.
“Think of the savings we’ll make. Shorter production time, no need for storage, no need to invest in barrels,” he said.
The company is in talks with wineries in California and Washington state to start providing its U.S. affiliate, BW2 Holdings, with young wine to treat and sell, Tanaka said. BW2 hopes to sell the bottles on the Internet later this year for an affordable US$5.
Bordeaux Beware! [Mainichi]

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1 thought on “Aged Wines in Few Seconds

  1. Im going to bet wine experts can tell the difference between aged wine and wine zapped by a battery.

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