Amazing Pool Cleaner

Pool cleaning services may charge up to $100 per hour of session depending on the size of the pool. In order to save money, securing your own pool cleaner might be your best option. The Dolphin Escape Pool Cleaner is one of the least expensive pool cleaners made by Maytronics, which was a pioneer in robotic pool cleaning technology.

The Escape is a simple robotic pool cleaner that highlights plenty of advanced features. Some of which include the smart scanning system, the Hyper Brush scrubbing, advanced filtration, and continuous rubber tracks to make sure that the unit thoroughly cleans every corner of your pool.

When you placed the cleaner down into your pool, it will automatically scan the whole surface using its built-in mapping system called the SmartNav 2.0. The scanner will guide the device to reach every part of the pool without returning to areas it already covered. It comes with a 40-foot long cable that avoids any tangling issues. This makes the Escape’s cleaning cycle much faster and thorough compared to other cleaners at this price range that rely on random navigation.

To assure that no debris or dirt remains, the Dolphin Escape uses a fast spinning brush called the Hyper Brush that dislodges stuck-on particles, algae, and bacteria from pool surfaces. Its ultrafine filters will catch everything from the tiniest of algae to large leaves and will pass through the cleaner’s high-level filtration system. The filtered debris is then deposited in an oversized filter cartridge.

The Dolphin Escape’s cleaning action is bi-directional, meaning it continues to vacuum and scrub even if it’s going forward or in reverse. This adds to its efficiency in cleaning more quickly. However, it doesn’t have a remote control, scheduler, or even a timer so you can’t program it to run on a specific schedule. This is typical though for a pool cleaner in this price range.

It is a low-cost robotic pool cleaner for an above ground pool but it packs most of the modern advances in pool cleaning technology. Enjoy $360 discount and take the Dolphin Escape Robotic Above-Ground Pool Cleaner now at Amazon for only $639instead of $999.

Amazon knocks $360 off a pool cleaner that’s perfect for all your summer parties [Digital Trends]

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