“Anti-Rape” Undies

In the wake of the horrific gang rape in Delhi last December, Indian women are taking to the streets in protest and even creating products to help prevent rape. Three engineering students have come up with anti-rape lingerie that will literally shock an assailant with electricity if they attack someone who is wearing it. The underthings, named SHE (Society Harnessing Equipment) are also equipped with GPS and the ability to text emergency services and the girl’s parents to alert them of her location and situation. The trio created the electro-shock underwear because they felt helpless that the government wasn’t doing enough to protect women.

The product is still under development and the two girl and guy team are working on using new textiles and integration so it can all be washable. They would also like to integrate the wearable with a smart phone, Bluetooth and infrared. Jezebel makes an incredible point in that while this anti-rape device is incredible, it also only affects the symptoms of a much larger problem – the victimization of women. Major cultural shifts need to happen, and quickly.

“Anti-Rape” Undies Fend Off Would-Be Attackers With an Electric Shock [Ecouterre]

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