Starburst’s Aggressive Marketing

Clickz: Starburst launched an aggressive U.S.-based mobile marketing promo on Friday as part of a new integrated campaign. Grey Interactive and mobile marketing partner ipsh! are behind the cross-carrier effort, which follows a relaunch of the MasterFoods candy brand. The new identity promises “More Juice. More Burst.” Last week, MasterFoods began distributing the first of 100 million Starburst packs with […]


Trendwatching: Mass advertising is dying. Experienced consumers couldn’t care less about commercials, ads, banners and other fancy wording and imagery that is forced upon them, so let’s move on to more interesting ways of igniting conversations between corporations and consumers. We recently spoke about CUSTOMER MADE and NOUVEAU NICHE as powerful alternatives to archaic marketing thinking, but those concepts don’t […]

Free Handphone Charging, Anybody? All you need to charge your mobile is — air! Students at the Department of Industrial Design at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi have attached a turbine with a mobile phone that helps charge it even when the user is travelling, Head of the Department Professor Lalit Kumar Das told PTI. “The electricity generated by the turbine when moved […]

Tempting Downloads

Wired News: College junior Kyle Taylor is downloading hundreds of songs by No Doubt, Bruce Springsteen and others onto the Compaq laptop in his cramped dormitory room. With a few more clicks of his mouse, Taylor is watching commercial-free Seinfeld episodes on his computer. In just minutes, he then downloads the entire movie A League of Their Own. The 20-year-old […]

Scientists’ Use of 3G

Mobile Digest: Orange tells us that its 3G Mobile Office card is being put to unusual use by scientists in the UK. Researchers over here are using the cards to let them access and control one of the largest fully robotic telescopes in the world based over in Hawaii. They can access the internet from their laptops to connect to […]

Seeking Honey Bees

WorldChanging: Another great find from the Doors of Perception conference in Delhi: the Honey Bee Network, here in India. It is a network of people designed to find hackers and inventors from the countryside, the sort of people who don’t have two pennies to rub together but invent a coconut-tree-climbing machine so they can work better, or a man who […]

Toothbrush + Music = Tooth Tunes

We Make Money Not Art: Hasbro plans on launching a musical toothbrush called “Tooth Tunes” reports the WSJ. “When pressed to the teeth, the toothbrush renders a recorded riff from a pop star that lasts two minutes — precisely the amount of time dentists say children should spend brushing their teeth. How does it work? “The two-minute recording is stored […]

It’s Online Ads For Small Businesses

USAToday: “Heat-resistant coatings,” “high-temperature adhesives” and “machinable ceramics” aren’t even in the same league as “Britney Spears” when it comes to popular Web searches. But for Aremco Products Inc. of Valley Cottage, N.Y., they’re golden. That’s because the customers for Aremco’s high-temperature coatings and adhesives are typing those words into search engines such as Yahoo! and Google. To make sure […]

Boezels Toys

Popgadget: Developed by Dutch designer Twan Verdonck, the Boezels toys are specially conceived for mentally challenged children and adults. Each animal has unique characteristics and appeals to at least one sense (touching, smelling, hearing, seeing). Some can be cuddled, and others wrap around the body to cuddle you. Take a deep breath of the Reura snake’s relaxing scent and fall […]

Upside Down Gardening

The Green Head: Check out the new Topsy Turvy Upside Down Tomato Planter. Instead of planting your tomato plants in pots or in the ground, simply hang them up in the air, upside down, and eliminate the hassles of weeding, pests, hole digging, flimsy stakes and cages, and bending over to water, tend and harvest. The Topsy Turvy allows you […]