Sensor Laden Vest Monitors Lung

Ordinarily, the lung function of patients with respiratory problems is monitored via a stethoscope, during a visit to a clinic. An experimental new vest, however, can do the same job throughout the day, wherever its wearer goes. Known as the Pneumo.Vest, the wearable is being developed as part of the M³ Infekt project, which involves 10 branches of Germany’s Fraunhofer […]

Purifying Greenhouse Runoff

While greenhouses produce wastewater that may contain pollutants, microalgae-growing operations require a source of water – which is scarce in many regions. A new project aims to address both problems, by growing water-purifying algae in readily available greenhouse runoff. Although greenhouses can recycle their own irrigation runoff, the water may contain nitrogen, phosphorous or other nutrients which were applied to the crops. […]

Audros Drone Tech

There are now a number of systems in which “good” drones are used to disable “enemy” drones, such as those conducting spying missions. A new system takes a safer approach to the task, in that the captured drones don’t simply plummet to the ground. In many existing drone-vs-drone systems, the defending drone shoots a net at the enemy drone. The latter drone’s […]

Motion-Controlled Flashlight

The Darkfade looks more like an electric shaver than a typical flashlight, and that’s because it’s built to be unlike other flashlights out there. With a fresh shape and an easier interface for finding just the right brightness, the new torch looks to be something of a Flashlight 2.0. Hold it comfortably in your hand or clip it to your […]

Greenery Filled Facade

MAD Architects recently completed its first European project – but it certainly won’t be its last. The high-profile Chinese firm has revealed plans for a new mixed-use building in Milan, Italy, that’s defined by a lush greenery covered facade intersected with polished metal staircases. The MoLo (short for Mobility and Logistic hub) will serve as a gateway to the Milano Innovation District, which […]

Smart Cradle

  Getting a good night’s sleep is not normally listed among the joys of parenting, and anything that could help your baby and yourself catch some extra rest is worth a look. The Cradlewise cradle is designed to do just that, by automatically bouncing waking babies back to sleep. Utilizing a built-in night-vision camera and microphone, Cradlewise monitors baby and, […]

E-One Multi Tool

The multi-tools continue to come thick and fast on Kickstarter, which means that if one is going to stand out, it has to be different in some way. Made by Hong Kong-based AntDesign, the E-one distinguishes itself with a bit-carrying “autodoor.” Like a lot of screwdriver-capable multi-tools, the E-one doesn’t come with its own bits. That said, it does have a […]

Base Charge Power Station

Looking to offer an on-demand energy solution for emergency scenarios, camping trips and the growing hordes of remote workers, BioLite has introduced a pair of power banks designed for folks on the go. The newly launched BaseCharge Series offers solar input and all kinds of outputs, enabling users to power anything from smartphones to blenders to cordless drills, wherever they […]

Can Taking The Stairs Help With Aging?

Although we generally understand exercise to be good fo us in all sorts of ways, scientists continue to make interesting inroads around the specifics of this relationship. The latest comes from a team in Germany which has found that even slight changes to regular physical activity, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, can counter the age-related loss […]

Converting Methane Into Methanol At Room Temperature

Scientists have developed an efficient new way to convert methane into methanol at room temperature. The technique could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide a cleaner way to make key products. While carbon dioxide gets most of the attention, it’s not the only greenhouse gas changing the Earth’s climate. Methane is emitted in smaller amounts but is 34 times […]