Google is updating its Google Flights feature with machine learning software that hopes to accurately predict if your upcoming flight will be delayed. The company recently revealed the update in a blog post, saying “Using historic flight status data, our machine learning algorithms can predict some delays even when this information isn’t available from airlines yet—and delays are only flagged when […]
Predicting Your Next Flight Delay
Kids Will Love This School!
A new kindergarten and daycare complex was recently completed at the former Wholesale Market in Tel Aviv by Yashar Architects. Inside, the complex spans 3,000 square meters of innovative design, bursts of color, and playful vignettes to get the kids excited about school. Sarit Shani Hay was behind the inspiring design that had to house six kindergartens for kids aged 3-6 years, and three daycares […]
Falling In Love Through VR?
In Virtually Dating, two strangers meet for the first time in a virtual world, both wearing VR headsets and various motion-tracking body gear. Presumably because the gear needed to track their facial movements would be prohibitively expensive, the pair are 3D body-scanned and then presented to each other as frozen-faced, grinning marionettes; most of the date is spent admiring the broken […]
Take Your Sleep To The Next Level
How many times a week do you wake up feeling groggy? And how many times do you hit snooze before clambering out of bed? If the answer is more often than not, it’s likely you’ve tried to rectify the issue with either more hours in the sack or a more consistent sleeping pattern. Perhaps you’ve even employed the help of a sleep […]
Scan Your QR Code
High-profile Dutch firm MVRDV has unveiled its design for an eye-catching new office building in Germany. Named Milestone, the building will sport a large hole in it that will serve as a public space, and will feature both photovoltaic cells and QR codes integrated into its facade. Likened to a big crystal rock by MVRDV, the Milestone will be located […]
Weekend Stay On A Research Ship?- Yes You Can
When it comes to contests with amazing prizes, Airbnb is certainly bringing their A game. First, it was watching the solar eclipse from a transparent bubble, and now the rental service is offering three lucky winners the chance to spend three days and two nights onboard the Alucia – the oceanic research and exploration vessel that filmed BBC’s Blue Planet series. Guests will […]
Food Waste Given New Life
In the U.S., construction is a big source of waste and pollution. The construction industry accounts for an estimated 39 percent of CO2 emissions in the country and 534 million tons of waste – more than twice the amount of municipal solid waste. A lot of this waste can be attributed to the linear economy that runs the industry – one that is built […]
Sweet & Sustainable Lollipop?
Candy sales in the United States are expected to reach over $38 billion by 2020. As cravings for sugar surge, so does the demand for more naturally sourced sweets. California based company Amborella Organics has created a lollipop that is both sweet and sustainable. As their name implies, Amborella Organics specializes in organic ingredients. The company has given classic lollipops a new look. […]
Eel-Style Electricity
Scientists are always on the lookout for safer, more natural ways to power devices that go into our bodies. After all, who really needs toxic battery elements and replacement surgery? One organism that is pretty good at generating biocompatible power (for itself, at least) is the electric eel, and scientists have now used the high-voltage species as a blueprint […]
Powered By Mustard Seeds
The world’s first biofuel flight between the United States and Australia landed in Melbourne after a 15-hour trip. The Guardian reported the blended fuel was 10 percent derived from brassica carinat, which Qantas describes as a “non-food, industrial type of mustard seed.” They said the use of blended biofuel in the flight would save about 18,000 kilograms, or around 39,683 pounds, of carbon emissions. A Boeing Dreamliner 787-9 soared between […]