Starting A Hydroponic Farm At Home

As weather patterns continue to become more and more unpredictable thanks to climate change, many gardeners are looking for easy and effective ways of growing crops no matter the season. Fortunately, hydroponic farming offers a way to grow fruits, herbs, and vegetables all year round. And while some DIY solutions might be a little complex to set up initially, they […]

Outdoor Pump Canoeing

Among other items, serious canoeists are advised to carry an extra paddle (in case they lose one) and a bilge pump (in case their boat gets swamped). The Paddle Pump is designed to make things simpler, by combining both tools in one device. Reportedly tipping the scales at 1.4 lb (635 g), the Paddle Pump features a telescoping aluminum shaft […]

Cup Hero Separates Recycling & Composting

We’ve written about the problems with single-use coffee pods before — a majority of these little capsules end up in landfills and contribute to the world’s growing plastic pollution issues. There are plenty of alternatives, from biodegradable and compostable pods to refillable pods, but for coffee lovers reluctant to switch to sustainable alternatives, there’s the Cup Hero. Inventor Connor Feeney got the idea while […]

Greenest Urban Gardens

El Terreno is a community garden center that does more than grow food. It brings an urban population together and puts the ideas of community support, educational enrichment and purpose in serving the greater good all together in rows of plants and flowers. Based in Mexico City, a project called El Terreno began during the COVID-19 outbreak. During this time […]

Holoswim Goggles

Swimming is one of those sports in which stopping to check a smartwatch can be quite disruptive. Because of this, we’ve recently seen a number of performance-tracking goggles hit the market. One of the newest, known as Holoswim, is now on Kickstarter. Developed by Hong Kong-based startup Guangli, the Holoswim setup consists of a fairly normal-looking set of swim goggles […]

Rheumatoid Arthritis Linked To Lack of Gut Bacteria

Impressive new research led by a team from University College London is suggesting bacterial imbalances in the gut microbiome may play a major role in the development of rheumatoid arthritis. The preclinical study found damage to the gut lining directly correlates with joint inflammation and arthritis severity. For some time now researchers have reported consistent links between gut microbiome abnormalities […]

Agricultural Wave

Derived from the Greek word for air, aeroponic farming is similar in many ways to other soilless growing techniques like hydroponics. Yet, while this method still relies on a nutrient-rich delivery system, aeroponics is unique for its ability to grow faster, more plentifully, and using less water than many other growing methods. But what makes aeroponics so special, in the […]

Wind-Powered Lamp Post

“Light pollution not only has bad health effects on humans, like causing sleep disorders, depression, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer, but has also a serious impact on flora and fauna,” said the designer in a press release. “Extinction of species, orientation loss of migratory birds, significant disorder for fish migration, as well as disturbed biorhythms of plants like for instance […]

Floating Office In Rotterdam

Described by creator Powerhouse Company as the world’s largest floating office, the recently completed Floating Office Rotterdam is designed to rise with the tides of climate change, will get all of its electricity needs from a solar array, and can be easily recycled once it reaches the end of its useful life. FOR was recently inaugurated by King Willem-Alexander of […]