Riveting Tech May Make Magnesium More Useful

Although magnesium is known for being lightweight, riveting pieces of it together can be an involved, energy-intensive process. A new technique is claimed to make doing so much simpler, possibly opening up new uses for the metal. Rivets are basically mushroom-shaped metal pins, the cylindrical “stems” (or shanks) of which are pushed through aligned holes in the two sheets of […]

Vegan seafood For The Future?

If you’re newly vegan and have just stopped eating sushi or sashimi, it can feel difficult to find plant-based alternatives. Fortunately, brands like Vegan Finest Foods are finding new and delicious ways to capture all of that ocean flavor without an ounce of cruelty. The brand’s plant-based seafood line Vegan ZeaStar is exciting vegans around the world, as it is […]

Free Drive System , Drive Bike By Wire

While today’s ebikes may not be identical to one another, their form factor is limited by the fact that their pedals have to be mechanically linked to the rear wheel. Schaeffler’s new Free Drive system does away with that limitation, potentially allowing for unlimited new designs. In existing ebikes – or non-electric bicycles, for that matter – the rider’s pedalling […]

Soccer Sensor System

While there’s no substitute for real in-person soccer coaching, a coach can’t be watching what every player is doing, all the time. That’s where the Jogo system is designed to come in, as it continuously tracks players’ performance from within their shoes. Manufactured by Dutch startup SportsTalentVision, Jogo consists of three main parts: insoles that are placed inside a third-party […]

Hydrofoil Board On Water Stability

Although they’re far from the cheapest way to enjoy some time in the water, electric hydrofoil boards are gaining in popularity as more and more models enter the scene. But some are easier to ride than others. The newly introduced Level Board is very much aimed at the beginner end of the spectrum, offering a gentle learning curve for newcomers […]

Electric Kayak

While we have seen motorized kayaks before, most of them simply utilize an outboard motor, or they don’t have the form factor of a true kayak. The Czech-made eMogi, however, looks fairly conventional, and has its own integrated electric motor. Measuring 323 cm long by 70 cm wide (10 ft, 7 inches by 2 ft, 3.5 in), the sit-inside eMogi […]

Carbon Nanotube Thread Acts As Heart Rate Monitor

Over the years, we’ve seen many examples of smart garments packed with technology to monitor different aspects of a wearer’s physical wellbeing, but lately we’re seeing how very fine, conductive fibers could make for a more seamless experience. Rice University researchers have applied this thinking to a “smart” shirt that uses interwoven carbon nanotube fibers to provide steady electrical contact […]

“Nanojars” Captures Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere attracts most of the attention in environmental concerns, but much of that ends up in oceans, making them more acidic. Now scientists have created “nanojars” that can easily capture this and other pollutants from water. These nanojars are molecules consisting of a copper ion, a pyrazole group and a hydroxide in repeating units, suspended in […]

Liquid-Metal Energy Harvester

Although there are now a number of devices that generate electricity via movement, most of them only work in dry environments. A new one, however, also functions underwater – meaning it could be used in aquatic settings, implants, or wearables that regularly get exposed to sweat. Developed by scientists at North Carolina State University, the experimental energy harvester consists of […]

World’s First Printed Parkour Playground

Building Society Stavební spo?itelna ?eská spo?itelna (Bu?inka), the Czech Republic-based organization that brought us Protozoon, the country’s first 3D-printed house, is adding to its list of 3D construction innovations with a new project. A cooperation between the private sector, the public sphere and research ventures, the new 3D-printed parkour playground is the first of its kind. Spanning 14 by 12 meters […]