Crystal Prism Provides Quantum Computer Chips

As revolutionary as they could be, quantum computers still have a few kinks to iron out, such as controlling more than a few dozen qubits at once. Now, researchers at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) have found a way to control potentially millions of qubits at once, by adding a crystal prism to the chip. Traditional computers store […]

Design Alliance

The environmental problems facing the world certainly weren’t created by one person, one company or even by one country. You know what they say: it takes a village to destroy the planet. Well, that’s close enough anyway. And it will take a collaborative effort to fix the environmental problems facing the world. That’s exactly what the Good Future of Design […]

Empty Stadiums Halved Home Ground Advantage

The concept of a home ground advantage, where teams play in familiar surrounds in front of their own adoring fans, is broadly accepted as having a major bearing on match-day performance, but exactly how much benefit does it bring? To dig into this question, a new study has analyzed thousands of football matches that took place in empty stadiums Europe’s […]

Gesture-Tracking , Car Detecting Helmet

  Although there are now a variety of turn-indicator-equipped bike helmets, cyclists still ought to also use traditional arm signals. That’s where the Classon helmet comes in, as its indicator LEDs are trigged by the rider’s arm gestures – plus it warns of cars approaching from behind. When we last heard about the Classon, it was the subject of a […]

Switch Off Your Zoom Camera to Reduce Fatigue

New research is offering some of the first empirical evidence of the fatiguing effects of camera use in virtual meetings. The research is part of an increasing body of study into the psychological effects of remote work and the growing phenomenon known as “Zoom fatigue.” Before the pandemic, videoconferencing was a consistent but small part of everyday life for many. […]

Kitchen Garden Textiles

Heidi Barr gained her textile know-how as a costume designer. Now, she uses that experience, coupled with a passion for sustainable kitchen products, as a basis for her business at Kitchen Garden Textiles. “Our goal is to provide beautiful and practical kitchen textiles that help people live without synthetic fabrics, plastics or single-use disposables in their home or restaurant kitchens,” […]

Smart Roads Of The Future

Technology is advancing at lightning speed, setting us up to look like we live in a sci-fi film. While the first flying cars are actually achieving lift off already, nations around the world are investing in new infrastructure, with varying results that could be the new normal in our lifetime. Taking a look at the possibilities for future roadway innovations, […]

Singapore Designers Creates Tools For Future Wellbeing

Visions of the Future is a showcase of optimistic projects by Singapore designers, including a soap-making machine, an inflatable textile and a paint for repairing broken sneakers. Presented by DesignSingapore Council, the exhibition features seven designs that suggest new lifestyle trends and rituals that could emerge in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Some of the objects explore new ways […]

Wind Powered Portable Charger

A modern problem of the off-grid and outdoorsy lifestyle is how to keep your devices powered. Battery packs are one option, but they have limited use and can be heavy and bulky. The team at Aurea Technologies has come to the rescue with the Shine Turbine, a compact and lightweight wind-poweredturbine that offers renewable energy to outdoor enthusiasts who need […]