Verdi Creates Home Decor From Natural Fibers

Interior design is a culmination of many things, not the least of which is culture. Mix in the desire for sustainable, fair-trade textiles and other decorations that are made from non-toxic materials and you’ll find a Colombian company called Verdi, rich in history yet innovative in design. Verdi began in 1995 when Carlos Vera Dieppa began exploring techniques to make […]

Abandoned Tramway Becomes Collinear Park

If you’re not familiar with the term, placemaking is an idea that is sliding into the central focus spot when it comes to urban planning. It’s a people-centered approach to planning the usage of public spaces and was essential in developing the now permanent Precollinear Park in the center of Corso Gabetti and Ponte Regina Margherita in Turin, Italy. Even […]

World’s First 3D Printed School

Through pioneering projects in Mexico, China, Texas and elsewhere, we’re starting to see how 3D printing can make building construction a whole lot more cost effective. An affordable housing venture in Africa named 14Trees has now leveraged the technology to produce the world’s first 3D-printed school in Malawi, where students started taking their first lessons late last month. 14Trees is […]

World’s Longest Wildlife Bridge

A proposal to repurpose the bridge connecting Iowa and Illinois across the Mississippi River into a national park and wildlife crossing has gained traction. Headed by the Bison Bridge Foundation, the proposal seeks to turn the commuter bridge into a wildlife-crossing pathway, allowing the animals to roam freely between Iowa and Illinois. The proposal, which was officially unveiled to the […]

Mixed Up Membrane Desalinates Water

That ancient mariner was onto something when he said “water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink” – the vast majority of water on Earth is undrinkable. Desalination could be a vital technology to meet the world’s drinking water needs, and now Korean engineers have developed a new nanofiber membrane that can operate efficiently for long periods. There are a […]

Saving Stabbing Victims Lives

When someone is suffering from a deep stab wound, it’s important to apply pressure withinthat wound, not just down onto it. A new student-designed device is intended to let first responders do just that, potentially saving lives that might otherwise be lost. Police officers are often the first people to arrive at the scene of a stabbing. If the knife […]

“Hearing Contact Lens”

In most hearing aids, sounds emitted by a tiny speaker are directed down the ear canal. The “alpha” hearing aid is different, however – and reportedly better – in that its speaker actually sits directly against the wearer’s eardrum. Described as a “hearing contact lens,” the device is being manufactured by German startup Vibrosonic. It incorporates technology developed by researchers […]

Environmental Game Tackles Real World Problems

Concerns about climate change are everywhere. Companies are making products with ocean plastic, corporations are focusing on sustainability and people are learning how to incorporate green technology into their daily lives. Now, even video games are addressing this real-world crisis. It was only a matter of time. In Descendants of Earth, it is the year 2412. Your descendants live in […]

Protecting Homes From Fires

Most of us can’t afford homes with fire-extinguishing sprinklers built into the ceiling … and that’s where FACE is designed to come in. It’s a self-contained, heat-activated fire suppression device that’s mounted in the user’s home, wherever it’s most likely to be needed. Its name an acronym for Fire Activated Canister Extinguisher, FACE was invented by San Francisco high school […]

Coros Pace Smartwatch

If you’re looking for a wearable to track your workouts, runs, sleep and plenty more besides, then there’s no shortage of fitness trackers and smartwatches to pick from – and after a couple of weeks of testing we can tell you that the Coros PACE 2 has a few features that might make you choose it over its competitors. At-a-glance: […]