Adaptable AdhFix Could Replace Metal Plates

Presently, orthopedic surgeons use screwed-in metal plates to hold unstable broken bones together. There may soon be a less problematic, more customizable alternative, though, which incorporates a light-cured composite material. While traditional metal plates are effective at stabilizing broken bones, they do have at least two drawbacks. For one thing, it’s difficult to form them into the exact shape needed […]

Compostable Cutlery

We are seeing a lot exciting advances being made in the world of eco-friendly plastics, where forms of the material are being produced that safely break down in the environment in a few years or even months. While these are a decidedly green alternative to petroleum-based plastics that can linger for centuries, scientists in New Zealand have come up with […]

Proximity Sensing Bicycle

A large percentage of bike-versus-car accidents occur when automobiles pass too closely to cyclists. The Dashbike tail light was designed with that in mind, as it automatically records video of any too-close drive-bys. Manufactured by German startup Dashfactory, the water-resistant, GPS-equipped Dashbike functions first and foremost as a tail light. It can be mounted either under the saddle or on […]

Nixie System Uses Drones For Water Sampling

Municipalities regularly have to check for pollution in local waterways, often utilizing crews of workers in boats. The new Nixie system is intended to make things much quicker, simpler and ultimately cheaper, using a water-sampling drone instead. Developed by New York-based startup Reign Maker, the hardware end of the setup consists of the pole-like Nixie Base sampling device, that has […]

Transportation Hub In Sweden Uses Solar Roof

The “floating” solar roof in Sweden’s Västerås Travel Center may be just an illusion, but the power it generates is entirely real. The design for the new transportation hub will include several other sustainability features, including rainwater recycling, and allow for better access to the city’s public transit stations. More than just a landmark, the travel center will serve as […]

Flat Objects Twisted Into 3D Shapes

Ordinarily, if you’re building something, you don’t want the materials to buckle under pressure. In a new Harvard University-designed system, however, that buckling action allows flat-packed objects to be twisted into useful three-dimensional forms. Most existing “buckling-induced deployable structures” consist of linked straight pieces that are popped into shape via straight linear motion, which often requires a fair bit of […]

Geodesic Domes

If you enjoyed building forts as a kid, you’re going to love the modular design of the Ekodome Geodesic Dome Kits, which provide options for a versatile dome with endless possibilities. The Geodesic Dome Kits are made by Ekodome, a company based in Brooklyn, New York City. The concept is simple with an aluminum frame that you put together, DIY-style. […]

Nuven Vegan Sneakers

The conventional shoe industry relies heavily on plastics and animal leathers, but the newest focus within the industry is on selecting animal- and Earth-friendly materials to create vegan shoes. One such shoe brand, Undo for Tomorrow, recently released Nuven, a vegan sneaker partially made from recycled party balloons along with other sustainable materials. Undo for Tomorrow was born in 2018 […]

Fully Degradable Toothpaste Tubes

How many tubes of toothpaste do you think you’ve used in your life? Think of a number. Now, think of the fact that it takes the average tube of toothpaste 500 years to break down. When you factor in all the tubes you’ve used and all the tubes everyone else you know has used, it adds up to an environmental […]

World’s First Transient Pacemaker

In a breakthrough that could greatly ease the burden for patients recovering from cardiac surgery, scientists have developed a new type of temporary pacemaker that never needs to be removed. The world-first device does away with lead and batteries in favor of fully biocompatible materials, and is therefore able to harmlessly dissolve in the body once its served its purpose. […]