Assistive Tech For Seniors 

As a senior’s sense of balance deteriorates, their chances of experiencing a serious fall increase accordingly. Help may be on the way, however, in the form of a system that buzzes the user’s fingertip in order to keep them upright. One of the consequences of an impaired sense of balance is a tendency to sway when standing and walking. It […]

Four Macro Shifts In Future Of Workplaces

Dezeen promotion: working from home during the pandemic has changed people’s expectations of their workplaces, according to research from office design leader Steelcase. The Steelcase Global Report finds that issues concerning safety, productivity, comfort, control and a sense of belonging – all stemming from experiences over the past year – will lead to changes in the way that offices are designed in the […]

Plastics Embedded With Enzymes Can Self Clean

Scientists at Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute have spent the last few years working on futuristic forms of plastic that do much more than act as take-out containers or straws for your iced latte, and they’re starting to make some exciting inroads. The team has worked out a way to embed active enzymes in the material that can give it different capabilities, […]

Sniffing Out Cancer From Blood Samples?

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have developed an electronic nose (or e-nose) that may be able to sniff out signs of cancer from blood plasma samples. In tests, the device was able to detect a range of cancer types with over 90 percent accuracy. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemicals that are responsible for odors, with different sources releasing […]

Versatile Pop-Up Tent

Although Memorial Day weekend may be over, there are still plenty of opportunities to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. The Extended Pop-Up Car Tent will help you take your adventures on the go, and it’s on sale for 34% off. This versatile pop-up cabin was created to travel with you, and amplify your camping game. Easily attaching to any car tailgate that […]

Energy Efficient Store In Copenhagen 

A new Ikea store planned for Copenhagen will feature a public rooftop park and pathways along with the usual selection of flatpack furniture. Designed by Dorte Mandrup, it will also boast significant energy efficient design, including a solar panel array. Ikea Copenhagen will be located in the Vesterbri district of Copenhagen (the city of Copenhagen also has an ambitious plan to […]

Plant-Based Leather Bags

The initial releases in the Prima Linea lineup are made using apple peels and cores that are otherwise cast off from the food industry. Diverting this waste into apple leather has allowed the company to design durable, luxurious handbags, draw-close bucket bags and classic totes. Subsequently, the company recently released purses in two color options that are made from cactus leather. Seeing the […]

HoopLoop Designed To Enhance Hula Hoops

Although some of us may see hula hoops as simple playthings, many people utilize them in serious workouts, or even in performance art. The HoopLoop was designed with such folks in mind, as it electronically counts rotations and assesses form. Developed by a group of Austrian entrepreneurs, the HoopLoop system consists of two curved, flexible modules that are strapped to […]

Lyft Ups The Motor Power For Ebikes

The global pandemic has caused many commuters to rethink how they get to work, with micromobility booming as a result. But not everyone can afford the often high price tags hanging from the handlebars of such things as ebikes, which is where short-term hire comes in. Lyft has been offering shared ebikes for a few years now, but has just […]


Although many people enjoy tracking which types of birds come through their backyards, they can’t be watching their yards all the time. Terra is designed to help, by continuously identifying birds via their songs. Created by New Jersey-based naturalists Scott Whittle, Mike Lanzone and Casey Halverson, Terra consists of both a weatherproof device and a planned global system. The Bluetooth- […]