Condensed Blood Sugar Monitor

TrendHunter: For many diabetics life comes with baggage, but with the Gluco by Miguel Vaz, it can all be condensed into a pocket. Aiming to arm users with a gauge and all of its accessories within a smaller package, this streamlined glucometer incorporates cutting-edge technology to achieve a compact and convenient handheld gadget. The Gluco by Miguel Vaz takes on […]

Spinella Chair

BornRich: The digital lifestyle revolves around the office chair, which makes it all the more important to choose an ergonomic office chair. The latest in the luxurious office chairs is the “Spinella,” designed not with aesthetics in mind but with relaxation in mind by relaxation therapist Sanne Buhl. The spine-shaped chair not only provides adjustable lumbar support but it also […]

Bird’s Eye View while Reading

TrendBird: Have you ever walked into a lamppost, or tripped over a small wall, because you’ve been so engrossed in a book you simply can’t put it down? Well it’s time to stop hurting yourself — introducing MegaReader 2.1 and its new ‘heads up display.’ Using any Apple device equipped with a camera and running iOS4, MegaReader now gives you […]

Eat and Play Together

Oh Gizmo: One of the best things about this modern age is its new way of combining things that we love so we can save money. One of these devices is the combination foosball and dining room table that is brought to us by Skitsch. It has a very simple, yet unique design that makes this a must-have for soccer […]

Recycled Art

Inhabitat: Despite the limited color palette and small size, McKean has found a wealth of inspiration in the 2×3 three pieces of plastic, transforming them into everything from bird nests to self portraits. “Usually we swipe [MetroCards] in a hurry as we pass through the turnstile, hoping we haven’t missed the subway. Or dip them as we enter a bus, […]

Very Convenient Table

Swissmiss: The Ola Table by Petter Danielson and Oscar Ternbom of AKKA is making my heart beat faster. A light-weight folding table, made of aluminium, that is easy to handle and beautiful. According to Minimalissimo it will be manufactured by MATERIA and will be launched at the Stockholm furniture fair in February. This would be perfect in our studio, for […]

Get Real with Caribou Coffee’s Ad

OhGizmo: As part of a campaign for their new “Hot ‘n Wholesome” breakfast menu, Caribou Coffee’s ad agency, Colle + McVoy, created these amazing bus shelter advertisements for the city of Minneapolis. Not only do they look like giant ovens, but the heating element on the roof actually works! So those waiting inside stay as toasty as the breakfast sandwiches […]

Pets Poop Vacuum

Uber-Review: When it comes to pets, dogs are sooooo much better than cats in all ways but one: they don’t really care where they take a crap. You take them for a walk and they will go out of their way to drop a fresh, juicy turd at their earliest convenience. If you are civically minded, that means pulling out […]

Salad Spinning Bag

Cool Tools: You simply place freshly washed greens in the bag, twist the top of the bag closed, make a fist around the twist and spin the bag vigorously a few times quickly. Water is automatically collected into a reservoir at the bottom of the bag and drains out from a channel running along one side. Works as well as […]