The personal eco-vehicle from Myers Motors was featured at the ‘Milan 2008: Best of the well-tech awards’ and is most definitely worthy of it. The odd looking one-seater called the ‘NmG’ (no more gas) runs on electricity and can reach a speed of 75mph. It can easily be parked anywhere, helps us breathe cleaner air, turns heads and does not […]
The Personal Eco Vehicle
Sure To Launch You Out Of Bed!
Latest Buy: Sleep is a very individual thing. Some like to sleep on their side or their back or their front. Some like a soft mattress whilst others prefer a bed of nails. And when it comes to waking up, some of us spring out of bed, whilst others need, well, how shall we put this, others need a rocket […]
Tracking Your Kid
Gadgets Weblog: I have kids now, and I’m already dreading the day when I have to let them go out on their own for the night for a date or with their friends. If I’m not willing to totally trust them by then, I could use the Keruve to keep track of them. All I would need to do is […]
Teary Jewellery
Sick of wearing a pair of earrings as part of an accessories? Well, a new eye jewellery project is up for those seeking unique decorations and stand out from the crowd. Tongue piercing may look as dangerous as wearing the eye jewellery! LikeCool: The Eye Jewellery contact lens project by ericklarenbee. It looks dangerous when you wearing it. The Eye […]
Transformer Bike
Springwise: With gas prices a topic of urgent concern, it’s no wonder bicycle-related innovations are coming fast and furious. One of the latest we’ve spotted is the Zigo Leader, a bicycle that’s easily convertible into several different forms. Much like the Danish trioBike, which we covered a while back, the Zigo Leader can be easily converted into any of four […]
Cow Promo Chick-fil-A is giving you a good reason to eat chicken, but there’s a catch. On Friday, all Chick-fil-A chain restaurants will be celebrating the fourth annual Cow Appreciation Day. The restaurant will be offering a free Chick-fil-A meal to any customer that comes to the eatery fully dressed as a cow. This means the customer needs to be dressed […]
Daily Mail: Britain’s first eco-nightclub is opening tonight in London. Cyclists and walkers get free admission and the dance floor is so high-tech it generates its own electricity when people move on it. The brainchild of 35-year-old property developer Andrew Charalambous, aka Dr Earth, Surya has its own wind turbine and solar energy system. They plan to donate any surplus […]
Anaconda Energy
Gadgets-Reviews: While humanity goes up on the technological ladder, it is necessary to keep an eye on our surroundings. 20 age’s technological boom increased our need in energy, and it greatly increased our negative influence on ecology of Earth. Now it is the time when we must learn on our mistakes, and find a new, clean source of energy for […]
Self-Filling Water Cooler
The Red Ferret: This Klimatec Base 1 AirWater Machine is a self-filling water cooler which extracts water from the air, purifies it and serves it up in nice refreshing dollops of goodness. Or something. We’re talking 20 litres every 24 hours, it can be solar powered and you can attach an optional fridge unit for super coldness. Sounds like a […]
The Reflect Table Detects Dominancy
This dominancy detector table is a well designed, sound-sensitive tool which can be implemented into businesses, organizations, sales departments and work environments that require strong communication skills and interactions. The tool, called the ‘Reflect Table’, is used to detect which employee talks the most and dominates company meetings by monitoring the conversation and visually displaying the input on the table’s […]