Coffee Table Controller

Being lovers of style, comfort and technology, you’ve doubtless already decked your living room out with a multimedia sofa and a recliner with a built-in sound system. Perhaps you’ve even gone to the trouble of hiding your plasma TV behind a nice art print or surrounding it in a home-theater-like frame. If you’re now a tad underwhelmed by that functional, […]

MassDrop Seals the Deal

Group buys happen on forums all the time. People team up, buy as a group, and everybody saves money. Sounds like a good deal. But organizing them on forums is messy. It takes lots of work manually tracking who has signed up, updating the thread, setting up shipping, collecting addresses, making sure everybody has paid, making sure nobody scams you, […]

Thinking Out of the Window Box

Urban gardening is a romantic endeavor, it requires more faith than virtually any other aspect of city life. Some citi dwellers, author included, bravely line up their little plantations on fire escapes. But as charming as it is, the idea is exposed to two dangerous elements – squirrels and superintendents… Thankfully, Paris based company Barreau&Charbonnet had a better solution. Their […]

Revolutionary Driving On the Way

General Motors former head of Research and Development, Larry Burns, has been looking to the future, and he sees driverless cars hitting the road as soon as 2020. The notion of removing human interaction from the equation may be unsettling, but developers have long maintained that driverless technologieswould reduce the risks associated with distracted or impaired driving and improve fuel […]

Tablecloth For Kids

Unique tablecloth with special permission to draw on it! Looks like giant piece of graph paper, with lines and notebook holes; Comes ready for coloring with 8 washable fabric pens; So much fun to color on the table and you can wash it out and start again! Table Cloth Draw On [7 Gadgets]

Stool with Lego Features

This clever piece by much acclaimed Japanese designer Naoki Hirakoso has been recently revealed at the Tokyo Designers Week. The Yata Stool, a seemingly simple three-legged item, can do so much more than providing a place to sit. Thanks to the special grooves on the bottom of each leg, Yata can be stacked to create sturdy and elegant storage. It can also be arranged into […]

Makes FaceBook Marketers Lives Easier

  After the recent update, Qwaya has become one of the most interesting Facebook marketing tools on the market.  It allows you to schedule your campaigns, edit several ads at once through the bulk-editing function and automatically make ads that are tested against each other. For small or mid-sized businesses, Qwaya saves a lot of time and effort. The real […]

LoudSpeaker by Small Diamond

Your MP3 player is your pride and joy, your friend in the office, the gym or on a long drive somewhere. But sometimes you couldn’t be bothered with putting on those annoying headphones. You wish you could carry your speakers around with you, but it is not really a viable option owing to their size and bulk. That is until […]

Space Exploited Effectively

Jordan Parnass Digital Architecture has designed the East Village live work studio in New York. With such a small amount of space to work with, they managed to excel in the organization and layout of this cool NYC condo. A sculpted wood-paneled central service core holds the kitchen, bath, closets, and sleeping loft. “A bedroom loft creates space for a […]