TrendHunter: These tables by MDC Interiors makes it easy to give your home a naturalistic feel. A design firm owned by Mike Carpenter, MDC Interiors has created these tables out of reclaimed wood and inserted a center piece filled with green plants, moss and polished rocks. Sustainable Living Furniture [TrendHunter]
Naturalistic Furniture
City Space; Rural Time
In Portugal, the urban population keeps growing year after year, in accordance to the world tendency for desertification of the rural space. In the urban space, the pace is increasingly fast because time is money and every second counts. USMA is a clock without a visual interface, resorting only to sound to mark the passage of time. The sound of […]
Human Flight Searchers
Users create a “contest” around a request on to get the best flight rates for the flight they intend to take. Human searchers compete to provide the best price and earn a contest fee announced upfront. Of course, the savings must be substantial enough to award the fee! Tipped by N Joglekar! Thanks!
Square Inches of Love
L.A. based architectural design company, OPeX studios, initiated a public project titled “Square Inches of Love” with the goal of demonstrating the power of collective effort and creativity and the ability of virtual efforts to render great outcomes towards a socially sustainable future. It has been designed as a unique type of open-participation exhibition that begins online and gets transformed […]
Find Your Suppliers, located in New Jersey USA, was launched with just one aim : “Provide powerful services for Small Businesses to succeed online” It can be very time consuming and painful exercise to search for new suppliers online, from filling the same information endless number of times, to filtering a list of potential candidates, it can take a lot of your […]
Design Your Own
Evolvex offers fantastic minimalist storage solutions and flat pack furniture that is completely customizable for any size home or office. places the consumer in the design seat allowing you to design and customize furniture to suit your needs online using a clever new design app. Your furniture arrives to you flat pack and ready to be assembled. Evolvex also […]
Skill Punch: Learning Resource Directory is a directory for online learning resources, we built. Online learning is great. But let’s face it: Sometimes it is just too much of a hassle to look for all the possible resources and compare them. That’s where we come in. We believe you should spend your time learning about interesting topics and not countless hours on the web […]
Bike Spa
Bike Spa is a group of experienced engineers and riders, professionals, with experience in distribution of motorcycle accessories and parts. Bike Spa has been developed an innovative, reliable and effective solution of an automatic wash machine for motorcycles. This solution is for all those who live and love the world of motorcycles, and to bring life into the culture of […]
Biking Shelves
Shoebox Dwelling: I can never get enough book and bike storage, and when I see these things combined – it’s Christmas. Bookbike by BYografia is a clever hybrid, addressing both your reading and riding needs. The piece is comprised of two parts – one features shelves for your books, another – a hook for your bike. And because the rack is […]
Go Retro with Iphone
Popgadget: At the annual gifting lounge extravaganza (this one sponsored by Live Loyal PR in celebration of the Golden Globes awards) we spotted the “MoFone,”a retro handset with an insert for an iPhone. (There’s no Bluetooth or even corded functionality here – it’s just a holder.) Designed by LA artist Morrisa Maltz as a piece of art, a buyer for […]