Wallee Headrest

SwissMiss: Wallee Headrest Mount for the car made me look. Our iPad usually saves long car rides but I oftentimes end up holding it awkwardly between me and my husband on the armrest. Well, Wallee might save the day. Has anyone of you tried it? Kiddo approved? The Wallee Car Headrest [SwissMiss]

The Bike Valet

Shoebox Dwelling: This exciting bike storage idea belongs to Sacramento based design duo Steven Tiller and Stephanie Birch of Reclamation Art + Furniture studio. The project was born out of necessity – the couple lives in a small downtown apartment. ‘We bring our bikes inside, – says Steven. – Given our storage issues, this makes navigating the entry hall difficult. I personally […]

AppGreen: Your Mobile Catalog Builder

AppGreen offers an easy-to-use platform to build your own mobile catalog. AppGreen aims at assisting your sales activities, improving your sales efficiency and boosting your brand awareness. What industries need is a help in technology,” said Eric Tang, co-founder of Appgreen. AppGreen is building a “Enterprise Catalog Management” platform aiming at providing DIY experience for companies to build their mobile […]

Sixth Finger Aid

Destroy Today: I came across the Thumbsaver today and thought, “Duh!” Just like the ergonomic peeler, I can’t believe this wasn’t invented sooner. I’d never admit it around (other?) manly men, but the few times I have hammered a nail, my hit rate wasn’t always 100%. Now, if one were to be seen using a Thumbsaver, manliness might still be […]

Giifa Job Creation

Giifa is a platform that connects non-profits willing to create jobs, to donors willing to donate and help create this job. Giifa works with the unemployed, and the non-profit profit organization, and create a short description of the two. You can then go, and choose to give to a person or give to an organization. This way, you finally get […]

Garden By the Wall

Urban Gardens: Turn man-made into man-saved by creating a Re-DIY vertical green living wall as Turkish design firm Designnobis did. For their Naturewall, the designers collected about ten used plastic disposable coffee cups, washed them off, then created a simple flexible metal holder system to hang the cups, transforming them into a vertical garden. The Naturwall system includes an aluminum metal frame […]

Measured Portion

Uber Review: If you find figuring out how much spaghetti you need to cook for a meal, you might want to take a look at this Icelandic spaghetti measurer. It starts with a kids’ portion and ends with a horse-sized portion. Available in green plastic, white plastic and stainless steel. Eat a Horse, Can You? This Spaghetti Measurer Has You […]

Freestyle Hanging

Shoebox Dwelling: Here is one student project I would love to see becoming a product one day. Daniel To redesigned the way we look at common hangers. Instead of arranging them on a bar, as we used to, he suggests to attach them freely to a metal plate via magnets. Here is what he says about the project: ‘Clothes hangers […]

Right Place For Your Organic Waste

Shoebox Dwelling: Vedge is an interesting concept project by young British designer James Wood. He proposes to combine a planter and a compost receptacle into one compact and stylish item. The product has within it a 20 litre wormery for the decomposition of the households organic waste. This waste is broken down into a nutrient rich fertilizer, which is then used to grow […]