Versatile Baby Set

Babygadget: We’ve featured a variety of furniture that ‘grows with baby’ in the past – here’s another goodie. The Rocky (cue Eye of the Tiger?) starts as a rockable crib, graduates into a proper cot, and then goes on to last through the toddler bed era – not a bad lifecycle for a single piece of furniture – and it’s […]

Surprises on Do Good Bus

Springwise: Each trip on the Do Good Bus is different, and volunteers never know ahead of time where they’ll be going or what they’ll be doing. The organizers explain: “Everyone likes a little mystery, right? We keep our rides a secret to add an element of fun, but also to avoid any pre-conceived ideas or opinions about the cause our […]

Any Mood Swings?

Popgadget: A new iPhone and web application called MoodPanda aims to track your mood through a series of diaries, graphs and calendars. Although it would be hard to keep up with entries regularly, we think it’s a great idea and will mean you can find out what makes you feel down and what lifts you back up again! And don’t […]

Recreate Your Lipstick

Chipchick: Ready to play mad cosmetic scientist at home? Well Lipstix Remix will give you the tools to not only salvage your favorite lipstick color, but to also create a whole new color for yourself. The website might seem a little cheesy, kinda like one of those “As Seen on TV” type of infomercials, but the concept is actually quite […]

Bookworm Position

Shoebox Dwelling: This unusual modular lounge piece was created by Portuguese designer Joana Santos in collaboration with Patricia Fernandes and Ines Carvalho. The concept explores the physical nature of reading and aspires to provide the most comfortable position for the bookwormy user. Comprised of several modular panels, the piece can be put together to create a lounger with several different levels […]

Poles and Holes

Shoebox Dwelling: This conceptual daybed, called Holey Poley, is a thing of versatility. Its creator, Clinton Steward, is still a design student and developed this impressive concept as a part of a school project. The structure of the piece is based on the dynamic between poles and holes. The perforated upholstery pieces can be combined into various configurations and secured […]

IKEA’s Manland

Springwise: At Sydney’s IKEA Homebush Bay Drive this past weekend, retail-averse men could escape to a male-oriented area of the store for a break from the shopping, according to a report on News Limited. Free hot dogs, Xbox consoles, pinball machines and nonstop sports action on TV could all be had in IKEA’s “Mänland,” as it was called during the […]

Typographic Wall Calendar

Gizmodiva: The Typographic Wall Calendar is creativity at its best. It just shows how much more you can do to any genre if you have the right ideas. The “2012 Typographic Wall Calendar” is a project to produce a large (70cm x 100cm / 27.56in x 39.37in) printed wall calendar for the year 2012. It will consist of two-thousand and […]

Fresh Fruits Hanging

Shoebox Dwelling: This fruit basket from Kare Frandsen is suspended from the ceiling, allowing you to display and store fruits without using any counter space. The piece is comprised of two interlocking metal rings, connected by rubber mesh. You can pick fruits from any side of the sphere just by sticking your hand between the rubber lines. Aside from its […]

Doubling Up as Bag Charm

Popgadget: We love this small USB drive, which is discrete enough to be confused for a bag charm, making it ideal for hiding away important documents. Its gold clip also means it’s never going to get misplaced, which is often how many of these incredibly small devices lose their lives! Usually I’m not too keen on studded accessories, but I’ll […]