Green Lamp

Shoebox Dwelling: The Grass Lamp by Marko Vuvkovic made me look. In the attempt to introduce natural elements to a home interior, the designer combined lighting with greenery in one elegant object. The piece is made from PVC plastic and incorporates space for a small planter. The lighting source located directly above it provides enough illumination for the grass to […]

Give Your Dishes A Spin

Shoebox Dwelling: Remember Ahhaproject I featured some time ago? Guess what, they have been busy with creating more space-saving designs. And their latest concept for Elecrolux is truly ingenious – a rotating sink/washer combo. ‘The idea came about when we realized the potential of space conservation when our sink was full of dirty dishes! The system works in a way […]

Ice Bullets

UberReview: The AK Ice Cube Tray allows you to produce 10 ice bullets that look pretty much the same as the real thing (except that they are made out of ice not brass). As a bonus, the tray itself looks like the magazine from an AK-47. I’m impressed, though I think that Think Geek might be mistaken in stating that […]

Cable-less Charging

Popgadget: If you’re always on the look out for ways to make your surroundings more neat and tidy, then this Mini Dock device eradicates the need for cables and messy little gadgets. Simply plug it into your mains and balance your iPhone or iPod on top of it. It’d be a perfect device for kitchens in order to avoid tragic […]

Constructive Eating

Babygadget: We’ve all seen aeroplane-shaped cutlery, the logical extension of the game where the fork swoops into the mouth – but when it comes to shunting up mash potatoes and rice, I guess digger-inspired utensils make just as much sense, and especially if you have a recalcitrant but machinery-obsessed eater. The goods on offer are from Constructive Eating are not […]

Folding Razor

Uber-Review: As someone who has given up on shaving and has a well-maintained, masculine beard – I’ve got to say: there is little chance that I will ever need a Carzor: a folding razor that comes with its own mirror and that is compact enough to stash in your wallet. In the past, when I have held down jobs that […]

Pebbles Pillows

Shoebox Dwelling: Accessories, fun as they are, inevitably cost us in space. Unless, in addition to their decorative role they can also perform some functional ones. These pillows from Ronel Jordaan are a good example. Shaped as pebbles and rocks, they can add a nice zen-like touch to your interior. And when extra seating is needed these ‘rocks’ can demonstrate […]

Coordinated Trips

Springwise: There’s been virtually no end to the list of travel-planning sites emerging in recent years, but one niche we hadn’t yet seen filled is group trips jointly planned by multiple friends. Sure enough, TripHuddle targets just that situation, with a social trip-planning application that aims to make coordinating trips easier and more fun by helping people work together and […]

Lego-like USB Ports

Popgadget: Many new laptop models sacrifice multiple USB ports to be much more slim and streamlined. There are various gadgets and devices to address that problem, like the cute animal-themed USB hubs we featured a few months ago, or just the regular boring ones you can get from any electrical store. Now designer Gonglue Jiang has devised another system which […]