Auto Levelling Tripods

Here’s a quick cut from the full article we wrote about this gizmo earlier in the week. “Rather than using a small leveling bubble, the Platyball Elite uses an electronic leveling system — similar to the system inside some digital cameras that tells you when the horizon is crooked. That electronic design allows the leveling system to be accessed via  backlit screen. That screen is visible at night, along with the option to position the camera so that the screen is visible from the front of the camera.

The electronic level isn’t the only odd feature on the tripod head. Platypod says the design of the head is flipped upside-down, with the panning turntable at the top instead of the bottom. That switch allows photographers and videographers to pan the camera in a straight line even when the tripod legs itself aren’t perfectly level.”

Next Level Tripod Heads [Digital Trends]

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