Beer On Tap

BEERMKR handles both brewing AND fermentation and is 100% open, allowing you to customize recipes directly on the machine. BEERMKR is the world’s only fully contained beer brewery that sits on your counter, giving you all the tools of the best brewers and all the fun of making delicious beer—without the mess and complexity of traditional homebrewing.

The recyclable brew pouch lets you start each brew with a fresh, sanitized environment, eliminating the need to clean and disinfect dozens of pots, buckets, siphons, tubes, and bottles. It is connected to wifi, has a CO2 monitoring system, and has the most advanced fermentation temperature control system on the planet. Oh, and you get to control everything from your phone.

You add the ingredients and the water, customize if desired, and BEERMKR delivers over a gallon—a 12-pack in fact—of commercial quality, ready to drink beer, in as little as 7 days.

Thanks to quick-disconnect valves and three isolated chambers, BEERMKR adds and removes ingredients at just the right time. Wort flows between the brewing chamber, the brew pouch, and the collection bin during the brewing phase. After brewing is complete, the grains and hops are removed from the brewing chamber and yeast is pitched in their place. Once fermentation is complete, the yeast falls into the third bin at the bottom of the device—leaving you with clean, delicious beer.

5 minutes is all it takes to start a batch of beer. Place your ingredients into the brewing chamber, insert the brew pouch, and fill the system with water. Press start on the app, and BEERMKR takes care of the rest.

Start a batch before you leave the house for the day, and by the time you get home, it’s time to pitch the yeast. And don’t worry, BEERMKR will send you a push notification so you know just when it’s your turn to do something, like pitch yeast, add dry hops, or remove the beer for serving.

Over the next week BEERMKR ferments the beer. Its CO2 monitoring system tracks yeast activity and adjusts temperature automatically to match the profile for the yeast strain you are using. When your batch is done, BEERMKR will send you a notification to move your beer to the dispenser.

Every BEERMKR comes with a draft dispenser. When your beer is complete, remove the bag of finished beer from your BEERMKR and place it in the dispenser. Plug in the included CO2 cartridge and place the dispenser in your fridge. Your beer will be carbonated and ready to drink in 24 hours!

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