Bespoken Artpieces

Every voice has a distinctive wavelength and frequency, making it one of the most unique identifiers of you as a person. When recorded and converted into visual form, your voice’s sound waves generate a one of a kind and completely personalized artistic masterpiece.

Bespoken Art has mastered this audio to visual conversion process in order to provide you with the ability to transform your words, wedding vows, songs, and laughter into a 100% customized piece of art, guaranteed to be a great “conversation piece”.

Idea contributed by David Caulkins. Thanks!

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1 thought on “Bespoken Artpieces

  1. This is a pretty amazing concept. I love the looks of this, very modern, a bit silly though yes, it is custom made to your voice or sound, but you see it visually only, you can’t somehow represent that visual wave in sound. Anyway…

    Another conversation piece as you mention here is another neat canvas concept art at

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