Iconoculture: Despite widespread acceptance, Harry Potter and Yu-Gi-Oh! trading cards still aren’t welcome in some Christian homes. The Bible Trading Card Game offers an alternative, replete with 240 cards bearing biblical figures, locations and verses that kids memorize to score points. The edutainment game tutors kids in the scriptures and faith (play begins with prayer) and encourages Sunday school attendance: That’s where rarer cards are distributed. Kids and parents already have taken a liking to the card game: The first printing sold out, and a tournament is under way.
Like secular parents, faith-filled parents aim to protect their offspring from corrupting forces. Keeping kids at play in accordance with faith principles can prevent tykes from coming under the spell of bad influences.
Bible Trading Card Game [Iconoculture]
Bible Trading Card Game
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With the exception of the Bible itself no ministry tool in the world compares to the Bible Trading Card Game. The Bible TCG is a one of a kind, STRATEGIC, interactive card game, devoted exclusively to God’s word and provides players a Biblical lesson/experience unlike any other. Throughout the game, players discover the biblical lands, recreate biblical events like the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ, the missionary journeys of Paul, the baptism of the Ethiopian treasurer and many, many more.
Every card in the Bible TCG features one or more biblical verses. Players who choose to memorize the verses in their play decks will quickly discover they have a major advantage for victory.
Pick up a Bible TCG deck today; then Pray,Read,Play!