Bluetooth Advertising assengers waiting to board a Virgin Atlantic Airways flight at London Heathrow airport may get an unexpected invitation on their cellphone these days.
Under a new advertising program, transmitters are beaming out text messages to the phones of people walking by to ask them if they would like to watch a video-clip ad on their phone’s screen. The commercial, aimed at passengers in Virgin’s first-class lounge, touts a new SUV, the Range Rover Sport.
Two London companies are behind the new ad approach — Maiden Group PLC, which has handled billboard advertising for 80 years in the United Kingdom, and Filter UK Ltd., a small firm specializing in the transmitter technology.
Commercials by Cellphone []

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11 thoughts on “Bluetooth Advertising

  1. A few probs, some of the newer phones on the market require exchanging of PIN codes before the bluetooth message can be viewed. Also if you dont know what handset you are sending to the user might not be able to view the file – say for example you sent a video, only devices that can playback a video can view it, so you may be sending files to people who have no way of viewing them.
    There are other methods such as the interactive wall model (such as the Fiat motorshow wall – shown here where the users are specifically opting in for the content and also are given instructions to allow the exchanging of PIN codes

  2. A new addition to the services of the interactive team, Portfolio is proud to unveil its new Bluetooth advertising service. We can now offer businesses and organisations the tools to engage with their customers and clients using the latest advertising medium. Bluetooth messenging allows businesses to send opt-in offers, marketing, video and images directly to people’s mobile phones. It is also a powerful tool for large festivals, conferences and public spaces enabling organisers to create “Hotspots” to give out advice and direction.
    We are currently working with a local pub to run a series of adverts leading up to the World Cup. These promote the pub’s facilities and special World Cup events. Feedback so far has been excellent and it’s created quite a buzz among the customers. We are also in talks with a local authority, several bar chains and an international yacht racer (see our other news!) so watch out for more of our Bluecampaigns!
    More information can be found at:

  3. Mobile advertising would have a big market in near future. The new product–Bluetooth media & marketing device would help it to enlarge the market(low-cost). We are the first Chinese manufacturer for Bluetooth media & marketing Device,So I would like to promot our product here.
    For more information:

  4. ProxiBlaster overcomes the typical issues seen with Bluetooth Advertising. Pin codes are automatically authenticated these days . Proxiblaster also offers standalone hardware for bluetooth advertising as well as software products for Bluetooth advertising . Please take a moment to visit either our USA website :
    or our UK Distributor Website

  5. As the USA slowly catches up to our EU counterparts with the concept of Bluetooth Advertising , proxiblaster has taken it to the next level with the BlueCastBox Bluetooth advertising server . Yes this is not a new idea , there are several servers broadcasting advertisements via bluetooth however ProxiBlaster has networked the BlueCastBox to a central server that allows BlueCastBox owners to manage campaigns across dozens of BlueCastBoxes all at once via a web based control panel . The BlueCastBoxes are assigned to zones which can contain one or many BlueCastBoxes , then the owner can update the campaign for the zone . The best part is the BlueCastBox is using a pull method to obtain the data meaning you do not need to know the IP address of the BlueCastBox !
    Read more about bluetooth advertising at :

  6. Proximity marketing here in Ireland is taking off with many well known names taking to the unique marketing concept. We have systems in place in car dealerships helping promote new car ranges for 09, hotels around the country are beaming out offers to hotel visitors and sandwich shops are using bluetooth systems to help upsell customers at lunch time.
    Pubs and night clubs are even taking to the concept with clubs in Dublin and Cork utilising our systems to help promote their nightclub specials.
    All in all it’s an interesting time to be in the marketing business, particularly a relatively new to market concept such as proximity marketing. With the recession biting hard everywhere, businesses are trying new ways to get their messages across.
    Check out for more information, concepts and ideas.

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