Brain Games

CScout: In the game Mind Flex the player wears a headset that measures the brainwaves to control a ball that floats on a cushion of air. The point is to navigate the ball through a maze of hoops. The more you concentrate the harder a fan will blow. The product will be available in retail for $80 later in 2009. CScout already reported on a similar technology called Brainball from Sweden’s Interactive Institut at WIRED’s Next Fest in New York in 2007.
It’s impressive how such a conceptual innovation has made its way to a market ready product in less than 2 years. It also reminds us of all the brain-trainer games targeting the Meta Trend of Aging Population that have become so popular in Asia, such as Nintendo’s Brain Age games or other cool brain trainers available in Japan.
Brainwave Gaming [CScout]

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1 thought on “Brain Games

  1. This game seems to have been inspired by a game seen on the populat television show, Star Trek – The Next Generation. The episode was called… “The Game”.
    The episode featured a game from an alien race called the Katarians. The object of the game was to relax your mind and navigate some disks through some holes. The kicker was that if you were successful in navigating the disks, you were rewarded with a release of pleasure chemicals in the brain making the game very addictive.
    You can see a video about the game here:
    The whole episode can be seen here:

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