Cake & Dometic Delivery Box 

Electric moto maker Cake and mobile living brand Dometic have joined forces to develop a climate-controlled food delivery box, which rides on and is powered by the Ösa electric utility scooter/motorcycle.

Thanks to measures designed to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus, dining out at your restaurant of choice might no longer be an option. But many eateries have switched to delivering take-out during lockdowns, and it’s the food delivery experience that Cake and Dometic are looking to improve.

The Dometic Food Delivery Box has been developed in collaboration with last-mile delivery service Favo and Stockholm’s Bar Agrikultur restaurant, and is aimed at “maintaining the prepared food quality, ensuring temperature consistency, and controlling the food environment.” It’s been designed specifically for use with the Ösa models first announced in late 2019, and is mounted to the rear of the upper bar, behind the rider.

It’s powered by the same battery that runs the electric utility moto, with Cake reckoning that the setup could manage up to four hours of heated or chilled food delivery per charge. And keeping a spare battery on charge offers the potential for all-day delivery services.

The box features separate compartments and dedicated temperature zones rocking both heating and cooling elements. The operator will be able to monitor the temperature of the meals via a mobile app, and check that the food hasn’t been tampered with during transport. And onboard ionization technology helps ensure that pungent odors don’t carry over from old to new deliveries.

“Restaurants and consumers all over the world demand quality and innovative solutions in the snowballing food delivery market,” said Dometic’s Peter Kjellberg. “Imagine if meals could be delivered home in a way that they get to your table in restaurant quality? Instead of cold meals, it would be like you were sitting in the restaurant yourself enjoying the meal the way the chef wanted you to. That will satisfy restaurants, delivery companies, and consumers. Dometic has a head start with its expertise in temperature-sensitive solutions. And, together with Cake, we have the expertise to deliver complete solutions that answer the needs of these users.”

Pre-orders for the new delivery box are due to start in April, when more specs will be revealed, ahead of a product release scheduled for September. No pricing has been announced at this time.

Cake teams up with Dometic for electric food delivery box [New Atlas]

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