Walk with Your Sleeping Bag

The Cool Hunter: The only thing worse than being trapped in a sleeping bag, is needing to go to the toilet in one. Well cast those fears aside as the new Selk’bag is here. This sleeping bag is more like a body bag. It’s padded and shaped to the human form and allows free movement both in and out of […]

Double-duty Functional Clothes

Iconoculture: For the woman who’s self-conscious about flab, sag or jiggles, arm shapers boost the upper-body confidence level. Solidea Silver Wave Slimming Arms ($95) are cellulite-fighting skin sleeves for upper arms and shoulders. The micro-massaging fabric gently massages skin to improve circulation, while anti-microbial silver ions leave skin fresh and clean. Lytess Anti-Cellulite Sleeves ($30) integrate cosmetic ingredients like caffeine, […]

Lifeblogging on Wearable Camera

New Scientist: A camera you can wear as a pendant to record every moment of your life will soon be launched by a UK-based firm. Originally invented to help jog the memories of people with Alzheimer’s disease, it might one day be used by consumers to create “lifelogs” that archive their entire lives. Worn on a cord around the neck, […]

Lip Gloss for Party Animals

Iconoculture: The concept of kiss and tell gets a safety makeover with 2LoveMyLips, an innovative lip gloss available in the U.K. The lip gloss comes with a date rape drug testing kit, which can detect drugs GHP and Ketamine. Doubting dames just dip the test strip into their drink; a blue stick means spike alert. 2LoveMyLips comes in four varieties: […]

Killspencer Commando Bags

Inhabitat: These slick and super durable Killspencer bags made from recycled military truck tarps and coated cotton canvas. Our very own Mike Chino brought them to our attention, and we love the fact that each bag is handmade in LA, features top-caliber hardware, and can withstand the beating that our modern lives are sure to put them through. Killspencer Bags […]

Sustainable Undies

Triplepundit: Google the words “sustainable+underwear” and you’ll find a surprisingly large number of hits–566,000 as of today. That’s probably a good omen for Jason Kibbey and Jeff Denby, who recently launched PACT, an underwear company that is designing and manufacturing drawers with a conscious. PACT is a story of three’s: three styles (thong, bikini, boy short for girls; trunk, boxer […]

Babyglow Clothing

Iconoculture: Parents-in-training can add baby clothing to the growing list of original, convenient fever-detecting products, which already include forehead thermometer strips and pacifiers. Developed in the U.K. by inventor and father Chris Ebejer, Babyglow high-temperature sleep suits are a line of baby clothes that change color in response to a baby’s rising body temperature Babyglow clothing lets you know your […]

Emoticon T-Shirt

Let your feelings shine out. This cool light-up t-shirt features four different emoticons that you can choose to illuminate depending on your mood or the message you wish to convey. Emoticons are the way that you can convey emotion over the internet or in text messages and now you can select a light-up emoticon to display on the front of […]

Gator Vaccum Cleaner

Twenty five years ago, the first hand-held vacuum entered the marketplace and revolutionized the way Americans cleaned their homes. Introduced as the “Dirt Devil,” the compact cleaning product was powerful, lightweight, innovative, and an enormous hit when launched in 1984. Since then, the hand vac has been the company’s signature product. That’s why Dirt Devil is proud to announce the […]

TOTA Letterpressed Goodness

TOTA Press is a handmade letterpress card subscription service. You can join a handmade letterpress card-of-the-month subscription at the website. Every month, TOTA Press will send you 2 custom-designed and hand-printed cards. Every card is letterpressed and handled with care. And the result of this manual printing process is a custom card that you can use in any way you’d […]