As well as unveiling the OnePlus 9 and OnePlus 9 Pro flagship phones today, OnePlus has also debuted a brand new smartwatch, the OnePlus Watch. It’s the company’s second wearable after the OnePlus Band, which is currently only available in India. Rather than trying to tackle the likes of the Apple Watch and the Samsung Galaxy Watch head on, it […]
Affordable Health-Focuses Oneplus Watch
Keytool Multitool Slices
Startup Keytool is stepping into the world of everyday carry with the belief your keyset can do much more than open your front door, offering an eponymous multitool with an impressive suite of functions. The Keytool multitool is far from the first keychain multitool we’ve looked at, but does come in a neat and elegant package with a couple of […]
Omnidirectional Camera
Omnidirectional video cameras are becoming increasingly popular, although they’re still mostly just used recreationally. An international scientific research team, however, has now utilized one of the devices to gain a better understanding of whale behaviour. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the things, omnidirectional cameras are essentially actioncams with two or more lenses, which allow them to capture […]
Consumer Camera Tech Used To Measure Moisture In Soil
While it’s important to keep crops irrigated, you certainly don’t want to overwater them – particularly in regions where water is scarce. With that in mind, scientists have now developed a method of gauging the moisture levels in soil, using an ordinary camera. First of all, there are already technologies that allow farmers to see how much water is in […]
Plybot 3D Printer
On most consumer 3D printers, the print head moves by sliding horizontally along rails, and vertically along rods. The Plybot is different, though, in that it “holds” its head in two robotic arms. Invented by British engineer Josh Mitchell, the device is now being commercialized by California-based company Hangar 75. Like other fused deposition modelling (FDM) 3D printers, it utilizes […]
Nose-Tilting Bicycle Seatpost
While there are now a fair number of suspension seatposts on the market, the Sangle-Fit is a bit different. It features a tilting nose, designed to both smooth out the ride and make hill-climbing easier. Manufactured by Korean company Creven Bike & Components, the 6061 aluminum-bodied Sangle-Fit features a pivot in the rear, a coil spring in the front, and […]
Langogo Translation Device
While business rolls on in 2021, international dealings are more frequent than ever, and translating what your client from halfway across the world just sped through is impossible. Luckily, this handheld gadget can be a tremendous help. Using the Langogo Summit Multi-Functional Language Translator and Voice Transcriber Recorder is easy and effortless. Powered by 24 world-leading translation engines, you have […]
World’s EDC Multitool
After finding success with the original Claw in 2018, selling over 100,000 of what creators Malboro & Cane claimed may be the world’s smallest multitool, the team has taken on board customer feedback and gone bigger and better with its latest everyday carry (EDC) offering, the Claw 2.0. Billed as the world’s second smallest multitool, the Claw 2.0 unsurprisingly packs […]
Lightning Fast Gigadrive
In this world overflowing with data and content, external solid state drives are becoming more and more necessary. Thankfully they’re also getting faster, as demonstrated by a new SSD called GigaDrive that boasts read and write speeds of up to 2,800 MB/s thanks to its architecture and Thunderbolt 4- and USB4-compatible port. As far as external drives go, the GigaDrive […]
Brain Controlled AR Headset
Coming later this year, the Cognixion ONE headset is promising something extra on top of the regular augmented reality experience: a brain computer interface (BCI) that can turn thoughts into commands for the device. While the AR headset is aimed primarily at users with conditions such as cerebral palsy or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – anyone who already uses eye […]