Sixth Finger Aid

Destroy Today: I came across the Thumbsaver today and thought, “Duh!” Just like the ergonomic peeler, I can’t believe this wasn’t invented sooner. I’d never admit it around (other?) manly men, but the few times I have hammered a nail, my hit rate wasn’t always 100%. Now, if one were to be seen using a Thumbsaver, manliness might still be […]

USB Wall Plug

FreshTrend: A USB Wallplug is a perfect gift for anyone who is technologically active. It is so perfect because unlike other wall chargers, it of course contains a USB slot where each plug would go. This is great if you are missing your charger, or don’t want to risk losing it somewhere. As many know, the USB part of most […]

Polaroid Instant Prints

USAToday: Digital photography has reduced film into a niche artistic endeavor, and even the cheapest of the cheap pocket digicams are incredibly convenient compared to the old way of doing things. But instant prints are still charming, and something that digicams — convenient as they are — don’t offer. The Polaroid Z340 is the only camera right now that brings […]

Robotic Bear Pillow

Springwise: Jukusui-Kun — meaning “deep sleep” — is thought to be the world’s first anti-snoring robot, consisting of a pillow and a hand sensor, both in the shape of polar bears. It was developed by Dr.Kabe and a team of researchers at Tokyo’s Waseda University and demonstrated at last month’s International Robot Exhibition in Tokyo. Snoring is thought to be […]

iFold Mobile Stand

The ifold mobile phone stand/cradle is the perfect partner for your iPhone or Android smartphone, engineered to fold flat and neatly fit into your wallet, purse or pocket. This smart, stylish and robust night/desk stand is the only portable mobile stand to support and elevate both the iPhone range and majority of Android phones in portrait and landscape mode. ifold […]

Lens Filter Kit for iPhone

Popgadget: The popularity of applications like Instagram, Hipstamatic and Magic Hour, shows that many smart phone owners love transforming their photos into grainy, vintage snaps. So if you’re a fan of retro images, then try this new lens filter kit from Holga Direct. The kit (or case, really) slots over both an iPhone 4 or 4s and then it allows […]

Smartphone Pro Camera

New York Times: Photojojo, a San Francisco-based online company, sells smartphone camera attachments from various makers. Many are iPhone-related products. The site offers everything from serious telephoto lenses to goofy kaleidoscope attachments, priced from $15 to $250. One of Photojojo’s most popular products is a kit of three lenses, for $50, which will work with most smartphones. The kit includes […]

iPhone Keyboard Slider

TrendHunter: While the iPhone works well for most people, some still can’t deal with touchscreens, which is why the iPhone Slideout Keyboard Case might be something worth investing in. The iPhone Slideout Keyboard Case is a simple keypad that easily attaches itself to the mobile. The biggest difference between this and other ones on the market is that itt has […]

Brush Pen for iPad

Popgadget: We’ve seen plenty of fun, colourful and well-designed stylii (or styluses, we’re not sure) over the past year or so as the iPad has become more and more popular. But, this is the first time we’ve seen a paintbrush/stylus hybrid! PenGo’s Brush Pen is ideal for all kinds of activities, such as sketching, navigating and painting on your iPad. […]