Go-Girl.com: GoGirl is the way to stand up to crowded, disgusting, distant or non-existent bathrooms. It’s a female urination device (sometimes called a FUD) that allows you to urinate while standing up. It’s neat. It’s discreet. It’s hygienic. While the concept may be new to you, European women have used female urination devices for years. GoGirl’s not the first device […]
GoGirl – female urination device
Read Your Time
Popgadget: The most precious commodity in a human being’s life has always been one that is fathomed by an inconsiderate glance at the timepiece on the wall or one’s own body – all in pursuit of the selfish need to spend that commodity called “time” wisely and to our own advantage. Which brings us to the question rarely asked – […]
LEGO Lookalike Soundblock
Popgadget: PopElecom has brought out a series of docks for the iPod Nano called Soundblocks that are perhaps the most good-looking ones in the mini-dock category. They measure only 2 x 16mm, and are available in atleast a dozen appetizing colors – just so that you can match your iPod with the appropriate one. Seriously, what more could you want? […]
SmartSwipe Safe Online Shopping
SmartSwipe is the new, smarter, more secure way to shop online. The SmartSwipe (by NetSecure Technologies) is the world’s first truly secure personal credit card reader. When you install SmartSwipe, you can swipe your credit card at your home or office computer just like you would in a store. Plug the SmartSwipe into your computer’s USB port, go shopping to […]
Digital Photo Gallery
Gadget Reviews: It is quite compact – not bigger than a paperback – the dimensions of the portable digital photo viewer are the following: 19.5cm x 11.3cm x 1.4 cm, so you can bear it in your pocket. It features a 7-inch screen display with 800 x 480 resolution and is compatible with USB devices. 4 GB of internal memory […]
Enhancing Chat Experience
The Cool Hunter: Take the IPEVO TR-10i for example, your new desktop pal. It’s the ultimate accomplice for anyone who uses Skype and iChat as much as we have been lately. So what exactly does it do? It works as a desktop mic, a speakerphone and also as a handset for when you want to take a private call. With […]
Ocarina – The social iPhone flute hits on iPhone apps
Ocarina sold as a 99 cent application, has become one of the iPhone’s best-selling apps (currently stands at about $800,000). Claimed as the first true musical instrument created for the iPhone, both experts and beginners will enjoy playing this innovative player. Ocarina is sensitive to your breath, touch and movements, making it even more versatile than the original. Ocarina is […]
Wacky USB hubs
Engadget: Oh Brando, will your wonders ever cease? The company famous for making our days with random, wacky, off-the-wall gizmos has just unloaded a small cadre of new USB hubs, all of which are delightfully eccentric and totally destined for neglected desks the world over. From the Clippy-approved USB Happy-Kid 4-Port Hub to the reading light-infused iteration, there’s a hub […]
Not Facebook but Face Watch!
Yanko Design: The UNI watch has a customizable digital face. You can choose fonts, colors, backgrounds and hand designs with just a few clicks in the included software. It’s made of that weird soft touch plastic. Something about that texture keeps me petting it over and over. Even tho the pictures don’t show it very well, the display is a […]
Dell Art House Laptops
Engadget: Dell’s been taking its design new directions for a while now, but it looks the company’s war on boring is about to get personal. Ed Boyd, Dell’s new Industrial Design Director, told BusinessWeek that Dell also plans on launching customizable computers with “scores of colors, patterns, and textures,” and options that will “go far beyond the handful of choices […]