gizmag: You’d think we would have already perfected the best way to produce a cup of coffee from coffee beans, but several years of research by Stanford University mechanical engineering lecturer Alan Adler (the inventor of the Aerobie flying disk which holds the world throwing record of more than a quarter mile) appear to have found a better coffee machine. […]
The AeroPress Coffee Machine
Cardio Tennis Tennis can be a great workout if you have skilled, competitively matched partners playing singles. For others, the game is more stop than go, sprinkled with cuss-muttering frustration: hit, run, whack ball into net, stop. Hit, return, re-return(!), stop, curse, hail taxi to retrieve errant shot, etc. Entertaining, yes, even social. But not a heart-rate booster. Cardio Tennis, a […]
Josh, In Search of Cool Picky, picky, Josh Spear. He’s the prince of particular, the satrap of selection, the chief of choosing, this 21-year-old occasional University of Colorado undergraduate with a unique passion for the things that please him. When Spear likes something, he posts it on his popular blog, What happens next? The thing gets noticed. About 5,000 people a day come […]
Vacation Homes
Condo Hotel Center: Many people dream of owning a vacation home. But often concerns about maintaining it, renting it out in the off-season, or even justifying the expense when it’s only to be used for a couple weeks of the year keep people from making the dream a reality. Now comes along condo hotels, a new type of vacation home […]
Hip Dads and Mums When Lynne Gonsior was pregnant with her son Tony, she set out to find clothing and nursery necessities that were unique and trendy — even edgy. Instead, she found the same old clowns and ducks. “Everything was baby blue or pink.” Gonsior, a former senior buyer at Marshall Field’s, refused to settle. She and her husband Dan, a property […]
iTrain: Your Personal MP3 Trainer
TrendCentral: If you’ve exhausted your Awesome Workout Mix and can’t seem to find the right motivational soundtrack to hit your stride on the treadmill, these exercise MP3 downloads may be just the thing. Designed by yoga/Pilates guru Grace Lazenby along with a team of Hollywood personal trainers, there are 11 different workouts ranging from iStretch to iSculpt Ballet. Each one […]
Condo Hotels
BusinessWeek: When Keith and Kimberly Hartke heard that the Fontainebleau Resort in Miami Beach was building a new condominium tower, they were ready to buy, quickly plunking down $600,000 for a 1,000-square-foot one-bedroom unit. Keith had vacationed at the hotel as a child and returned as a newlywed with Kimberly years later. But what sold the Hartkes on investing in […]
Cool Sleep Wear The Spa at the St Julien has thrilled many with their sleeper hit, Cool Sets – night wear apparel that is casually elegant, affordable and incredibly comfortable. The new sleepwear line created in Boulder, Colorado made its debut at the Spa at the St Julien in July 2005. Cool Sets, is specially formulated to control body temperature fluctuations caused […]
My Home Outside
The Cool Hunter: It had to happen. As practically everything we use in the home – from TV sets to cell phones, ipods and computers – have shrunk in size and increased in efficiency, it was only a matter of time before the home itself became a transportable, order-in, pocket sized commodity. Ok, so it won’t fit in your pocket […]
Facial Health Water
Ubercool: In case you haven’t noticed, water is everywhere, particularly the bottled kind. It’s such a hot commodity it has created a $46 billion market. In some countries, bottled water has even eclipsed beer consumption, and it could well overtake carbonated soft drinks as the world’s No.1 beverage. A notable water of late is BORBA Skin Balance Water ($34 for […]