Creative Juicy Domain Names?

So you’re ready to start a startup, but you only have two minutes to spare? Well you’re in luck, because that’s all it takes at The “Starter Upper”! Since most startups are simple combinations of a couple core attributes (mobile + game mechanics + geo-location = Foursquare), you can create a business plan and even a catchy* name in mere […]


TrendCentral: TheIceBreak aims to enhance users’ love lives by encouraging meaningful communication between partners. To get started, partners privately rate their satisfaction with their significant other in various areas. Based on these answers, the site endorses communication-boosting activities, such as sharing moments from one’s day or answering a series of questions like “What’s your favorite memory of the relationship so […]


MercMob is a hiring platform for social tasks. Sign up for a task, work with others, and get paid if you and your fellow workers make it happen. You can use any and all tools at your disposal: social networks, flash mobs, crowdsourcing, guerilla marketing, whatever it takes.


Sprouter is a direct conduit to the knowledge you need to succeed in your business. Instead of asking contacts in your network for an introduction and hoping your e-mail gets a reply, you can now ask a question in real-time to the entrepreneurs and investors you admire. The expert panel on Sprouter is comprised of handpicked success stories, and their […]


CNet: Google has begun rolling out a new social-networking photo service, dubbed Photovine. Though Google has said little publicly about Photovine, the service appears to be one in which consumers can take snaps from their phones and have them upload in a stream of pictures in the same way that tweets flow into Twitter. Presumably, if you subscribe to someone […]

Instant Itinerary

Iconoculture: Billing itself as a “Pandora for your social life,” online social planning service Weotta gives consumers the ideal activity itinerary at a moment’s notice. Weotta users link their Facebook account to the service and then select a theme and a vibe for their outing. After fine-tuning the tone, users receive a customized possible itinerary featuring links to make restaurant […]

My Social Text

Anyone looking to enhance their social life or to simplify the process of figuring out where to go on a given night can benefit from My Social Text. In short, all someone has to do is text MSTB to 46786 to start receiving free texts with the best happy hours and events in their town. The cooler part is, if […]

Quirky Inventions

Quirky is a social product development site that gathers product ideas from anyone that has one and based on the community feedback and staff evaluation transforms ideas per week into actual products. It’s a simple way for those who have a lot of ideas but don’t have the right connections to manufacture a product. Like Quirky likes to say, they […]

PaintByHand App

PaintByHand is an app for all ages to express their creativity. PaintByHand lets you paint with your fingers and share your work with friends. One of the best features of PaintByHand is the ability to easily share your work. With PaintByHand you can share your work via email or Facebook, save your work to your iPad photo library or submit […]

OpenStudy Social Network for Students

TechCrunch: Education-focused startup OpenStudy is a platform for “massively multi-player study groups.” What this means is that students who are studying the same subject like math or writing can ask and answer questions on OpenStudy, which uses Facebook Connect to let users interact and learn collaboratively through profiles and group chat. OpenStudy aims to make education fun by providing users […]