Influx Insights: Great ideas need to be relevant, yet unexpected. And everywhere the idea lives should feel like the right home. A recent collaboration between Kidrobot and fashion and art publication, Visionaire, is an example of how to develop an idea that feels fluid rather than forced. An idea that exploits a cultural trend, but doesn’t scream, “me too!” For […]
How To Sell Toys
I Love My Neighbourhood!
Business 2.0 Blog: Here is a sweet story courtesy of Josh Rubin’s hot products site. Neighborhoodies is the success story of a couple kids running a t-shirt business out of a basement apartment and 2 years later having a thriving 30 person company. As the name suggests, their t-shirts, hoodies and underwear shout out local pride. It’s taking I Love […]
Scan your groceries!
New York Daily News: Ready to scan your own groceries as you walk the aisles? How about buying a sweater from a touch screen on a department store shelf, to get a color or size the store just ran out of? The National Retail Federation is set to kick off its annual trade show at the Javits Center next Monday, […]
E-Biz Trends
eMarketer: eMarketer’s team of analysts and researchers give their predictions of what to look out for in 2005 in the Internet, e-business and emerging tech arena. 1. Alternative Advertising 2. RSS 3. AOL Changes 4. On-Demand TV 5. Wireless Broadband 6. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) 7. Voice-over Internet Protocol (VoIP) 8. Linux 9. Cross-Channel Retail 10. IT Security Top Ten […]
Got An Old PC? Don’t Trash It: Recycle It
USA Today: EBay unfurled an initiative Thursday to lead PC makers and environmental groups in a major push to recycle more of the 400 million electronic products that are trashed annually. EBay plans to promote the program on its Web site, where consumers can resell, recycle or donate used electronics. Got An Old PC? Don’t Trash It: Recycle It [USA […]
Customized Gift Cards
USA Today: It’s just the thing for holiday procrastinators: customized gift cards that don’t look “last-minute.” Several retailers and financial services companies introduced the option this holiday season for shoppers to put a personal photo or an image of a product on the card — or even to design the card. Sales of holiday gift cards are expected to hit […]
The Business of Renting Out Christmas Trees
USA Today: For years, Pat de Garmo’s Christmas tree was her aging yucca plant. She doesn’t like the idea of killing trees, and the size of her yard prevents her from getting a potted one. So year after year she strung lights and ornaments on the indoor plant, hanging toy drums and colored orbs from its stiff branches. For environmentally […]
China, The Toy-buying Country
VOA News: China is the toy-making capital of the world, sending $10 billion worth of toys around the world each year. Now, China is also becoming a toy-buying country. Christmas is coming and children are begging their parents for the season’s hottest toys. In Hong Kong, two little Chinese boys, both six years old, are very excited as their mothers […]
M&Ms, With Your Name On Them
Business2Blog: The folks at Mars have now made it possible to print (nearly) anything on your M&Ms. Go to their site, pick a color, and type out a message. Yes, it has a censor, and the kids at BoingBoing have already had their dirty fun. Gift boxes (2oz.) for $4.25 and a less impressive 8-oz. sack for 9.49. So that’s, […]
Hot Franchising Trends
Entrepreneur: The vibrant and ever-changing world of franchising is one where anything is possible. And every year, without fail, strong patterns emerge, revealing the industries that hold promise for the year to come. This year is no different. After months of careful research, we are pleased to present the franchise segments that have caught our attention and promise strong growth […]