Green Graphene Could Cut Production Costs

The wonderful potential of graphene has been well covered on our pages, with its supreme strength, ultra-thin profile, and excellent electrical and thermal conductivity opening up all kinds of possibilities. One thing missing from all of this is a cost-effective way to produce it, but a team of researchers now believe they may have discovered a key to this hiding […]

Seagull Inspired Blades

While we’ve already seen that large-scale wind turbine blades which are shaped like humpback whale fins can be more efficient, what works for big turbines doesn’t necessarily work for little ones. In fact, a new study suggests that for small-scale units, copying seagull wings may be the way to go. “Blades designed for large wind turbines usually don’t have good […]

Shaming People Off Plastic

Cities, countries, and grocery stores all over the world are straight-up banning single-use plastic bags — but one store is trying out a humorous approach when it comes to incentivizing reusable bags. Instead of the typical “have a nice day” message, Vancouver, Canada-based natural grocer East West Marketis offering plastic bags with slogans advertising fake stores where most people would not […]

Climate Change Chart

We live in increasingly polarized times. Times where your point of view defines more than your stance on a particular topic – it defines who you are. Perhaps that’s why people are so unlikely to change their minds on any given issue, even when there’s overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary. Take immunization, flat-Earthism and, yes, global warming. Cue climate […]

Cotton Waste Becomes New Eco-Friendly Plastic

When a cotton gin is used to separate cotton fibers from their seeds, a lot of lint is produced as a waste product. Currently, much of that cotton lint is just burned or put in landfills. Thanks to recent research out of Australia, however, it may soon be converted into biodegradable plastic. According to Deakin University’s Dr. Maryam Naebe, approximately […]

Old Glass To Be Use To Make Better Concrete

Although glass is thought of as being relatively eco-friendly because it’s recyclable, the fact is that a lot of it doesn’t get recycled – this is particularly true of small fragments, that are too fiddly to sort. Now, however, scientists are suggesting that glass waste could be used to make concrete that’s stronger and cheaper than ever. Led by Dr. […]

Floating Forest Could Protect Shorelines

Wind storms can cause a great deal of damage to coastal areas, producing waves that erode the shoreline and destroy facilities such as marinas. A newly-proposed “floating forest” could help, however, by blocking both the wind and the waves. Designed by the University of Queensland’s Prof. Chien Ming Wang, the curved floating structure would measure approximately one kilometer in length […]

Ethical & Sustainable Diamonds

A sparkler on your ring finger might be pretty, but it’s fairly possible that it was acquired by slave labor, underpaid workers, and in unsafe, life-threatening conditions. If your diamond wasn’t sustainably sourced, then chances are it is doing more harm than good. The truth about diamond engagement rings is that there is no tradition behind the popularized concept. In […]

Net Zero “Eco-Village”

When I hear the term “eco-village,” I picture a bunch of green-minded people living zero-waste lifestyles on a sunny commune, trading dried beans for bamboo toothbrushes. (TBH, I’d love to move there for a few months.) But soon, Baltimoreans will have an eco-village of their own — albeit, a little more modern than the one I dream about. As reported by […]