Confetti High Fives


The Fiesta-Five is a new product that lets you blast confetti from your hands whenever you give a high-five. It’s re-loadable and shoots biodegradable confetti, adding color and noise to this classic celebration.  It’s high-fives on steroids! Perfect and customizable for sporting events, parties, and weddings.

You know that feeling when you give the perfect high-five?  Multiply it by fireworks.  The Fiesta-Five gives you that satisfying thunderclap every-time, without hurting your hand.  Add to that a shower of colored confetti and it’ll be your cheeks that are hurting from smiling so hard!

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3 thoughts on “Confetti High Fives

  1. Hi – I would love to market this product here in South Africa. Is this possible – if so what is the cost for this please? Kindly let me know asap, thanks


  2. Hello…i am interested in finding more about your product…would eventually also like to market this item here in Europe…please be so kind to contact me for further information…best regards

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