
They’re words often applied to new clothes or new cars – not phones. But that’s changing, and Motorola’s Razr V3 offers a good example.
The ultraslim, lustrous metal cellphone, introduced in November, has created a cachet of cool so strong that it should rub off on the company’s entire portfolio of phones, observers say.
A cool phone could make for a cooler Motorola in the eyes of consumers, not a bad thing for a company long known as a haven for brilliant but boring engineers. It’s an image — at least the boring part – that Motorola has worked at changing in recent years, from attempts to insinuate itself into hip-hop culture to a joint venture with über-cool Apple Computer.
Cool is a slippery concept. In its purest form, something cool is so cutting edge that few people possess it. Its exclusivity helps define it.
Cellphone on the cutting edge of cool [The Seattle Times]

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