Cool but Pricey Business Ideas

Cool but Pricey Business Ideas

Starting your own business will always entail some initial costs, but some ideas are considerably more expensive than others. It takes a brave person to go into such a venture, knowing that there’s always the possibility they won’t succeed. Some people are lucky – they already have the capital to give their expensive business idea a go. Others need to rely on loans and investors in order to get their fledgling venture off the ground. Check out these awesome expensive business ideas and see if you’d be brave enough to tackle any of them for yourself.

Boat Charters

Boat charter businesses offer boats for hire to anyone who wants to go sailing. Some charter businesses are intended specifically for people with certain interests, such as fishing or spotting marine life. Some businesses are small, offering just one vessel for hire in one location, whilst others may have a fleet of vessels for hire in multiple locations.

If you’re interested in running your own boat charter business, you should be prepared to shoulder some substantial initial costs. You’ll need to obtain a permit for your company, as well as a business licence and insurance to cover both your boat and any person(s) aboard. If you’ve never researched marine or business insurance before it might be wise to get in touch with a company that offers at least one of these products, such as Catlin UK, for advice and information.


These days it seems as though almost anyone can be a photographer. However, running a successful photography business is another thing entirely. Most photographers live hand-to-mouth for the first few years, until they either make a name for themselves or get attached to a company full-time. Until this point, they have to take on full responsibility for the cost of equipment, studio hire, print development, advertising, travel and sometimes even paying for models and assistants to shoot with. To be a serious photographer, you have to be prepared to accept all the costs that go with the job.

Speciality Retail

Opening your own shop is always going to pose a challenge, but deciding to open a shop in a very niche retail field is even more difficult. Firstly you need to be confident that your items will sell, and secondly you need to be sure that you can afford the stock in the first place. Some speciality retail shop owners try to mitigate these concerns by choosing to sell either affordable niche items, or very expensive common interest items (price being a niche in its own right). Some awesome speciality retail ideas include vintage watches, signed books or mint condition collectables.

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