Drive Thru Coffee


Springwise: No other substance screams WAKE UP as effortlessly as coffee. Australian company Muzz Buzz has capitalised on the realisation that people want their coffee to be quick, convenient and satisfying. At Muzz Buzz, all consumers need to do is drive thru. After all, in-transit consumption is designed with one purpose – saving time.

Craig Muzeroll, founder of Muzz Buzz, identified a gap in the Australian market and decided he wanted to give Australians a reason for getting out of bed in the morning. That reason became Muzz Buzz, a growing franchise drive-thru coffee chain which offers quality coffee at a reasonable price and convenient (high traffic flow) locations.

Premium coffee beans and unique Muzz Buzz flavours tempt consumers’ tastebuds and since inception the Muzz Buzz menu has expanded to include convenient-to-eat-while-driving food. (Let’s just hope the government doesn’t ban drivers from eating and drinking while driving…)

Aussie Buzz-thru [Springwise]

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3 thoughts on “Drive Thru Coffee

  1. Well, you could go on their website ( and go onto franchise oppurtunites and send an email to the email listed, explaining you want to own a franchise and yeh wait for a reply and just go from there. Good Luck

  2. if finding cockeroach legs in yr coffee is part of the norm for yanks then im glad craig doesnt make my morning coffee yuk!!!!!

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