Sending text messages on mobile phones is becoming as commonplace as calling your best friend, and it’s all the rage among teens. We know trying to keep up with your teen and the technology they’re using can be daunting – so LG’s DTXTR is here to help you break it down and stay ahead of the curve.
Features on the DTXTR site include:
– DTXTR Translator: A cool tool that allows you to translate your tool in to shorter, more hip messages at the push of a button.
– DTXTR Glossary: Thousands of text terms (hundreds gathered from the BlogHer community at this fall’s Reach Out Tour!)
– Do U Know TXT Quiz: Test your texting prowess (say that three times fast…)
– Texting Tips: Everything parents need to know about texting, managing a texting teen, and thinking smart about text plans
DTXTR Translator
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Cool thing. parents will be able now to find a shorter way to the hearts and minds of their kids 🙂