Having to spend almost 15 minutes just to select a couple of ripe and still-in-perfect-shape pears may soon be a thing of the past. A world-first, clever label that indicates ripeness of fruit has been developed by two New Zealand scientists and may be coming soon to supermarkets all over the world. Hooray!
Called ripeSense, this sensor label allows shoppers to select fruit ready for immediate consumption or firmer fruit suitable for eating in a few days, depending on their preferences. How does it work? The pears are placed inside plastic clamshell packages and inside each pack is an aroma-sensitive ripeSense label. As the pears ripen, they give off aroma compounds, causing the label to change colour. Red means “not yet,” orange “getting closer,” and yellow “perfectly juicy.” (Source: Hortresearch Media Release)
Although this cool innovation is currently being tested on pears, it sure looks promising. Work is already ongoing to develop sensor labels for summerfruit, kiwifruit, avocado, melons and all those fruit that you simply love to eat.
Both consumers and retailers absolutely love ripeSense. To the consumer, ripeSense provides easy external recognition of fruit ripeness, choice and convenience (now that the consumer can select the fruit at their desired ripeness), and an improved eating experience. All it takes now with ripeSense to select fruit of a suitable ripeness is a simple observation of the colour of the sensor. Isn’t that so convenient?
To the retailer, ripeSense will undoubtedly boost demands and increase sales. Before this technology was conceived, shoppers often have to squeeze and damage the fruit as they make their selection. You would give poked and prodded produce a miss, wouldn’t you? That’s why retailers are so excited about ripeSense: its clamshell packaging protects fruit from crushing and bruising, permitting retailers to sell tender juicy ripe fruit without wastage. Indeed, consumers who have responded in preliminary tests have overwhelmingly indicated they would buy more pears using the new labels (Source: USA Today).
Let’s Get Down To Business…
In this knowledge-based economy, it is absolutely crucial to invest in R&D. Be constantly on the lookout for innovations that add value to the shopping experience of consumers. Turn your inventions into commercially viable business concepts.
Singaporeans are increasingly getting more health conscious. So, CoolBusinessIdeas.com expects consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables to rise in the future. Convenience and taste are key drivers to encourage increased consumption. Be sure to incorporate these two points in your business!
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Eat It Ripe And Right
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Great idea. I never know how ripe the fruit is at the grocery store.