Edible Food Packaging

As our society has shifted from eating whole foods to consuming processed food-like products, food packaging has become a major part of our solid waste stream. An unfortunately, because there are rules about what’s safe for food to be wrapped up in, lots of this packaging is difficult or impossible to recycle.

Apparently, this problem has vexed Harvard scientists, who recently announced that they have developed a food packaging technology that could eliminate the need for plastic containers, and we could see on grocery store shelves in the next 12 months.

WikiCells, the brain child of Harvard professor David Edwards, are “novel edible forms for eating and drinking transportable foods and drinks without plastic.” WikiCells consist of a natural food membrane held together by electrostatic forces and containing a liquid, emulsion, foam, or solid food substance possibly within an edible or biodegradable shell.

Is Edible Food Packaging The Answer To Plastic Waste? [Care2]

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1 thought on “Edible Food Packaging

  1. I remember when I was a kid, my father always brings me a “White Rabbit” candy, I really love it because it is really easy to eat since the Packaging is really edible.

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